Saturday, 29 January 2011


Nugget hasn't stopped wriggling today. Hopefully he is spending his time getting into a better position but it really has been all day movement, which has been nice. A few kicks to the bladder which wasn't so nice but other than that it's been lush.

Skin was feeling a bit stretched and itchy today and I'm just praying I don't get any more stretch marks. My tummy already looks like a road map of London, I just don't want it to expand any more.

Went out on date night tonight with hubby and we had a discussion about names and how I don't want a nameless baby so would like to have some ideas before he arrives. I have one name that I quite like and unless anything else pops up, then I'm set on it. The only problem is that Rob isn't keen on it. I'm open to other ideas if he should come up with any mind you. We also talked about a middle name and one came up that I'm really happy about too and goes really well with the first name I like too. It's actually made me feel rather excited which is a bit strange. Makes it more real I suppose as at the moment the getting ready stage is going very slowly and I feel like it isn't quite happening. I hope that makes sense.

Still swollen and will be now until after baby has arrived, so just have to put up with it.

Pelvis is the same too. Not worse, not better but manageable.

Boobs are huge and I'm snuggly fitting my 32FF bras. I'm still wearing under-wired bras and I will probably get away with it for a bit longer yet.

I still haven't managed to video any movement in my belly yet and I really want to get a bit, so will make an effort with that soon.

Rob is allowing me to have another lie in tomorrow so like he said, I should make the most of it and get some sleep. So that is what I'm going to do.

Friday, 28 January 2011


I found the old birth plan and having had a quick read I don't think I will be changing anything.

Michelle (MUSH) George’s Birth Plan

  • In preparation for this birth, I have attended active labour classes. I would prefer to have an active birth – moving around, kneeling, using my birthing ball etc. My preference is for as natural a birth as possible. Nevertheless, I understand that I may require pain relief and/or medical intervention if the birth is difficult.

  • I would like my husband Rob to accompany and support me throughout my labour.
  • I would like to avoid lying on my back. If I need to lie down, I would like it to be on my side if possible. Please can the lights be kept subdued throughout, including after the birth.
  • I would prefer not to have internal examinations. If an examination is required, I would like it to be carried out in the position that I am in at the time, where possible.
  • For natural pain relief, I plan to use breathing techniques, a TENS machine, a heat pack and massage etc. I am happy to try gas and air. Please do NOT offer me any other medical pain relief unless I ask for it.
  • If an epidural becomes necessary I would like it to be as low a dose as possible so that I can continue to feel my legs and be aware of contractions. I would prefer for it to wear off for the second stage as I would like to be able to push my baby out myself.
  • I would like intervention in the birth to be kept as minimal as safety allows, with foetal monitoring that enables me to remain active and mobile. If any medical intervention is necessary, I would like to be clearly informed of the benefits, the risks and the alternatives so I can make informed decisions with my husband.
  • If Oxytocin is needed during the labour I would still like to be able to move around, so please use a long tube and attach the drip to my arm as opposed to my hand.
  • I would prefer for my baby to be delivered onto the floor/bed in front of me to allow me to bring him to my skin myself.
  • It is my intention to breastfeed and I wish to do so as soon as possible. I would like to try to breastfeed without assistance and will ask if I require any help.
  • My husband and I would like to spend some quiet time alone with our baby as soon as is safely possible.

Third Stage of Labour

  • I would prefer to have an unassisted third stage of labour and Rob would like to cut the umbilical cord once it has stopped pulsating. However, if the midwife feels that it is necessary, or if I feel too exhausted to deliver the placenta naturally, then I would like to wait until the umbilical cord has stopped pulsating and been cut, before the injection is administered.
  • My preference is for our baby to be administered with the vitamin K injection.

Caesarean Section

  • I would prefer not to have a screen obscuring the delivery.
  • I would like the umbilical cord to be clamped as far away as possible from our baby to allow him to benefit from the cord blood.
  • I would like to be handed my baby as soon as possible and I am happy for him to be cleaned up later.
  • I would like to be talked through the caesarean procedure while it is happening to allow me understand what is being done.
Just need to print that off and then cross it off my list of things to do. Hurrah!

Thursday, 27 January 2011


Went to the midwife yesterday, eventually, as I went to the wrong bloody clinic to start with. I hurt my pelvis trying to throw the buggy back in the boot and I had squeezed into a space in the car park so getting Leo in and out was a big struggle. Not a nice experience and by the time I had raced over to the other surgery I was all hot and flustered.

I was called in pretty quickly and immediately she dipped my urine and found that I had huge amounts of sugar in it. This could indicate diabetes but I have no other symptoms apart from the swelling and tiredness so she said she wouldn't worry about it this time but will see me again in 3 weeks to check it again. I need to reduce my sugar intake a bit.

She measured bump and it was 33 centimetres which is what it should be so that was good news. Heart rate of baby was traced and seen as fine and she had a feel of bump and said she thought it was head down but not 100%. She said we wouldn't worry about it until 37 weeks and would send me for a scan if she wasn't sure. I asked if it was breech would they do an ECV on me and she said they may not want to because of previous c-section. Even though this isn't necessarily going to happen I was still rather annoyed by this for the rest of the day!

An ECV is a external cephalic version. Basically they grease you up and try to manipulate the baby around and hope that it stays head down, as some flip back like I did. Sorry Mum. There is a really good video of it here.

Midwife took some blood which is never a problem for me and this time she hit the vein first time.

My blood pressure was fine and that was about it. I have another appointment in 3 weeks time.

I did talk about my consultant appointment which is on 15th February and she confirmed that they would just talk about my options and tell me the risks etc which I have already heard when I went with Leo, so not really sure what the point in me going is. I told her I would call up and cancel my appointment and she just said to try and call them really early and speak to a midwife there first. Okay, I'll give it a go but I'm not attending the appointment.

I was quite flustered when I left the clinic. Leo had been a very good boy, going in and out of the car and buggy and just having to sit there watching me too.

Rob fixed the car seat and put the covers in the wash and I cleaned the hood this morning so it's all ready to go looking brand new which is nice.

I have picked up the mattress for the crib and the bedding has been washed and ironed so if baby was to surprise us then we would manage. There is still plenty to do though:

Hospital bag
Clean crib
Finish cleaning, ironing and putting clothes away
Sort out all the pads, cotton wool, nappies etc
Changing box
Blue chair - get back & clean
Memory Box & Scrap book
Birth plan
Oil for perineum massage
Clean sling
Clean buggy cocoon
Find mobile, clean and attach to crib
Clean play mat and find toys that go with it
Sort out baby toys
Present from Nugget to boys
Names list

I know a lot of that isn't critical before baby arrives but it would make me happy and more at ease if it was done.

Okay then so for my hospital bag I have a list of the following:

Shower Gel
Toothbrush & paste
Hair brush
Hair ties
Knickers/net pants
Nursing bra
Pads - maternity & breast
Towels x2
Dressing gown
Slipper socks/slippers
Cotton Wool
Nappy sacks
3 x vests
3 x baby grows
Going home outfit
Smaller stretchy bandage for my tummy muscles
Notepad and pen for marking down breastfeeding times (although could do on my phone)
2 x cameras (charged and empty memory cards)
Water bottle
Mobile & charger
V pillow
Birthing ball
List of people to contact
Maternity notes
Birth plan
Tens machin
Something to give birth in

Very long list but I expect I have forgotten something. Just need to find one bag that isn't too big but fits it all in. I'm hoping to use Rob's bag that he uses for going away with. Might try and grab that this weekend.

The birth plan will just be a slight revised version of the one we used for Leo's birth. I can do that this weekend too so hopefully that will be another thing ticked off the list.

Nugget wiggles a bit but all the hand and feet sticking out thing happens down by my c-section scar so I haven't been able to see it let alone video it. Bit sad about that but never mind.

He gets hiccups quite a lot and I can't stand it. It is a horrible feeling for me. I know lots of people love it but I'm not one of them.

Pelvis hasn't been too bad the last couple of days and I've been quite busy. It does really hurt to turn over in bed and getting up and down can be a bit of struggle but other than that I'm doing pretty good at ignoring it.

Went to my second Active Birthing class on Tuesday which was brilliant. I so wish Naomi was there as we talked through what AB was all about and what sort of stuff you would learn. I wish she could have heard it for herself and not through me. I'm sure she thinks some hippy weirdo is teaching some yoga breathing nonsense or something when it so not like that. It is informative and very helpful and puts it all into perspective so that by the time you are sat by the door (being the one due next) you are relaxed and ready to face the labour and birth and all that it brings with it.

Still rather puffy and feeling large but enjoying it. I'm not wishing it away and not wanting to rush it.

Out tomorrow night with Yoga lot for a meal which I'm really looking forward to and then it's date night Saturday so I'll be going out again. Not sure where though.

Hopefully get a few things done off my list this weekend which will help me to feel a lot more settled and relaxed.

Thursday, 20 January 2011


I have an expanding list of things I want to talk about on here so I better get on with it before I forget what I wanted to say. It won't really flow as I'm following a list and will just write about each one.

Gas - with my first 2 pregnancies I always had gas going up and down but this time around I haven't suffered from it and luckily, so far, I haven't had any indigestion which is great.

Aches & Pains - everyone gets them I'm sure. This time I have been getting lower back ache if I've been standing for a long time but to be honest I get that when I'm not pregnant too. It isn't too bad though. The biggest issue is the burning, stinging, stabbing pelvis pain. Sometimes it is horrendous. The worse time by far is when trying to get comfy in bed or turning over, oh and getting dressed and undressed. It is so painful and you know you have to feel it as you have to move. So I just grit my teeth, feel the pain and usually groan or let out some air. It isn't nice and I will stop going on about it but I have to write about it as a reminder for next time! ;o)

Preparing siblings - I feel like I haven't done enough of this with Leo and too much with Ellis. Ellis is always asking when is baby Ben going to arrive, is it spring yet etc etc and Leo just knows that my tummy is called baby. Pretty sure he doesn't know that there is a baby in there and that it will be coming out and home with us. I think he will be in for the biggest shock. Ellis really wants to be a helper and I hope he does as I will need it.

Baby position - I pretty much have no idea of baby's position other than the fact that all movement, kicks, prods etc is down on my c-section scar and below. It is so strange how low it is and it doesn't feel nice at all. I know there is time for baby to get in a proper position but it would be nice to feel some good movements and legs/arms sticking out etc. I have a midwife appointment in just under a week so should know more then, hopefully.

Rob has actually looked into purchasing an ultra sound machine so that I can put my mind at rest as I obsess about it every day. They go for £900 which isn't bad really as you can re-sell it. I've told him not to obviously.

Size - I've been told conflicting things about how I look size wise. Some say I look massive then go on to say but it's all up front and you don't look pregnant from behind. One lady today said I hardly looked pregnant! People say I don't look like I have put on any extra weight! Seriously! It would be nice to be made to feel better but when you know you have gained so much extra fat on your arse and thighs and I'm bloated everywhere else, you wonder why people are fibbing so badly. ;o) I just have to look at my hands I know I'm big.

Getting ready - Right, so I've started to do the washing and ironing and putting the clothes into Leo's current room. All of Leo's clothes are now in with Ellis' which makes it so much easier. I've been out shopping and bought a few bits, ordered the mattress and bought myself some pads and arnica. I've written a very long list of stuff for the hospital bag but I don't remember taking that much stuff last time. I'll post the list on here soon. Need to do a birthing plan, clean the crib, finish sorting the clothes, sort out a car seat as current one is broken, pack hospital bag and I also need to work out what I'm going to do if labour starts and Rob is away etc. I mean Mum and Dad are 20 minutes drive away so add on getting out the house, 30 minutes, and Uncle Dave isn't much closer, if I can get hold of him. Sally has kindly said she would let me know when she could be free which is great as she is a lot closer, but it is still a worry. Hopefully it will start Friday afternoon or something, that way Rob will be home and I won't have to worry about any of it. I seem to have quite long labours but this time might be really fast, you just never know and it's best to be prepared.

AB Classes - went back to my first active birthing class on Tuesday. I made the silly mistake of walking down the very dark lane to get to the barn, ended up scaring the shit out of myself, causing me to run and hurt my pelvis. The class went well though. We heard a birth story at the beginning, drank tea, ate chocolate, talked about breathing techniques at the end for 2 minutes and introduced ourselves etc. It was really nice to be back but strange at the same time. I felt like a know it all and I sat there nodding my head a lot of the time. I'll keep going for now as it is nice to think about this baby and this pregnancy and I do need to get my head prepared for the labour of labour.

Appetite - this is going up and down and all over the place. Some days I really could just drink water all day and be fine, other days 2 chocolate bars, 3 packets of crips, tons of fruit etc are just not enough. I haven't weighed and I don't intend to until 35 weeks. I think with Leo I weighed a lot so was much more conscious of what was happening but this time I'm just going with the flow. Not worried about weight gain at all as long as I don't go stupid. I'm pretty sure I can lose it again with a bit of will power and I'm planning to do it by having an eating plan ready so that I can stick to it. It's something like this:

Breakfast - Porridge or Oat cereal with a banana
Fruit snack mid morning
Lunch - Sandwich with low fat crisps and yoghurt or soup with 2 bits of toast and yoghurt
Healthy mid afternoon snack
Dinner - Not overly fussed about this but pasta and sauce or fish or something like that.

I'll make sure to drink plenty of water too as I will hopefully be breastfeeding and will need to keep hydrated.

Cravings - I really want to be crunching away on some crushed ice just like I did with Leo but unfortunately we don't have the ice dispenser hooked up so no ice. :o(

Boobs - these things are massive but I'm still in my normal bras. I do have 4 boobs though and they barely cover my nipples, but I'm still in them. I will switch to my bigger bras soon.

Spots - maybe it is to do with my appetite/eating but I have suddenly started to get lots of spots again. I usually get a few spots anyway but in recent weeks I haven't had any so I noticed them when they returned. Hopefully they will go again soon.

Swollen - now this is going to sound very strange but I'm sure this is pretty normal that my down below bits are a bit swollen. I think I remember having it with Ellis but not sure. It isn't uncomfortable or anything but just a bit weird. My legs, hands, feet, face and neck are definitely puffy. I have bad sock marks and my stringy bit as I call it from my big toe is slowly disappearing. Plus you can feel that your skin is being stretched. Oh the joys of pregnancy!

The boys - as the time of the new arrival is fast approaching I've become really aware that my chance to spend quality time with the 2 boys is diminishing very quickly and I'm feeling a little bit sad about it. I'm really trying my best to give them lots of attention and one on one time as soon Mummy time will have to be split again. Hopefully Daddy will take up the slack in the first couple of weeks so that I can settle into some sort of routine so that I can still spend good time with them as well as keep on top of everything else. I know this isn't going to be easy but I'll cope. I'll have to.

Done - I'm still pregnant and I already think that I'm done, as in 3 boys will be enough for me. As much as I would love to have a little girl, I don't think I can go through all this again for the very slight chance that it might happen. I've always said I wouldn't have children just to have a certain sex, and I stand by that. I would never say never though and it is just left open for now. Would have to see how it all works out anyway. I would want a slightly bigger gap too as I think my body needs a rest from pregnancy and/or breastfeeding, which it has been doing since October 2006! I will get rid of some stuff after this one. I will keep some special outfits and things but everything else can go.

32 weeks - In general I'm feeling good. Up and down emotionally, very paranoid and I feel like I'm not working hard enough on some of my friendships but I'm just very consumed with everything right now. It sounds like a rubbish excuse but I just can't fit everything in. That doesn't mean that I'm too busy doing other stuff it just means that I can't cope with it all. My brain is overloaded.

I really have a good waddle going on now and I'm aware of my posture changing to a slightly leaning back position. I try to hold myself up high, pull in those pesky muscles and walk with my knees sometimes knocking. Sounds mental right?

I feel like I'm nearly at the end but I do have almost 8 weeks left, but they are ticking by so quickly. I'm trying to cherish the pregnancy but to be totally honest, apart from the pain in my pelvis and the horrible kicks to my bladder, I haven't really had too much time to think about it. I really want to make sure that I bond with this baby quite quickly and that I don't just see him as a little machine to deal with in amongst what I usually do, if that makes sense. I want him to be part of everything and not just a new chore. That sounds terrible I know but I'm just worried about spreading the love. I'm sure it will be just fine.

I have seriously waffled on but I did say my list was rather long. I must admit I did add to it as I went along.

Feeling happy but disorganised. Once I'm sorted out I will feel a lot more settled. I think I remember going through a phase like this with both pregnancies. Worrying about being a good Mum, worrying about everything really.

Going to put my feet up now and switch off for a bit.

Saturday, 8 January 2011


God I wish this baby would move as I can't stand having my bits kicked! It stings and is just generally not a very nice feeling to be having. I'm missing out on seeing the feet sticking out and stuff. Humf :o( I'm sulking.

We went swimming today which was ace and I loved taking the weight off my bones. I'm hoping to go again next week too if Rob doesn't mind. I am also hoping it will help to free up some space so that baby can move about a bit. Didn't work today but I have a few weeks left.

It's scary how quickly the time is passing now and I'm feeling so relaxed about it all that I have forgotten that I do actually need to get a few things ready. I am not prepared at all. I'm going to hopefully make a start tomorrow if Rob can take Leo food shopping with him again then I can crack on with moving some clothes around and getting Leo's room to be the nursery. Well, half nursery. He will still sleep in there but all the babies stuff will be in there as a base.

I have washing to do a few things to buy I'm sure. I know I need pads but can't remember which ones were the best, I need nappies, and I'm sure some other things so I better start making some lists.

Sharon still has the bath mat with a seat thing but I don't really need that back yet and Sally has the bouncy chair. I think she may still be using it though but will ask her nearer the time. I think she has some sleeping bags too but pretty sure I won't be needing them straight away either. It's really strange as I can't seem to remember anything! It's like I'm doing it all again for the first time. I don't remember feeling like this with Leo. I remember being really organised and knowing what I needed, what I had etc. Better get a move on before I start panicking about it. (Sally & Shazza if you so happen to read this, it isn't a hint, you know I would ask you anyway x)

Pelvis is quite bad most days now and I hobble, wobble, waddle around. Sometimes I can't get up from the floor so I have been trying to change Leo's nappy on the table, and getting them dressed stood on the sofa and things like that. I have been a bit naughty the last 2 day not wearing my stretchy bandage but I just needed a break from it. It will be back on tomorrow.

It is very, very painful to turn over in bed. I try not to do it but my hip starts to ache if I lie on it for too long and currently I have a rather sore left arm from my flu jab I had on Thursday, so sleeping well is a bit tricky at the moment. It isn't helped by Leo still waking up during the night. I try to ignore him but it doesn't work as I end up lying there awake listening to him. We have got into the habit of bringing him in with us which long term isn't going to work as Nugget will more than likely be bed sharing every now and then as I will feed lying down and snoozing, like I did with the other 2. It will be a bit of a squeeze with wriggly Leo in the bed too.

Speaking of Leo, I really don't think I have prepared him enough. I used to show Ellis pictures and explain it all to him, keep telling him that his baby brother was going to come out etc etc. Leo kisses and cuddles bump but I'm sure he has no idea what is in there. I need to at least have a go at explaining it to him a bit. Ellis seems to grasp the idea that a baby is in there and might need to be cut out as this rate rather than coming out my middle. And yes I did tell him that is where babies come out. I didn't see the harm and he wasn't phased by it at all.

Wish I could have a flash forward to the labour and delivery. Just to see how it goes and that everything is all right.

Starting AB classes on 18th Jan for sure and my antenatal group sessions start at the beginning of February and thankfully my ace mates, Sally & Charlotte have agreed to watch the boys for me so that I can go. Cheers guys xxx

Right that's me done. Off to bed at just gone 11pm, not good but Rob is on the early shift tomorrow, hurrah!

Wednesday, 5 January 2011


Spoke too soon about my pelvis. It has been killing me for a couple of days now. In bed last night it was horrid. I could hardly move and when I did it really hurt! Been trying to nurse it today and I have tried to do my pelvic floor exercises but it actually hurts to do it!

I can't understand why I feel so shattered and groggy all the time. I had a reasonable nights sleep last night but I still went back to bed for an hour this morning and I'm still feeling tired. I would love to just stay in bed! Is it the weather, my continuing cold, pregnancy or something else?

Flu jab tomorrow, great!

Monday, 3 January 2011


Every time I do a measurements blog entry I get totally confused! The main problem I have is that I didn't do 0 week measurements, only 17 week measurements, but I have been using a starting weight of 11st 10lbs to judge the weight gain. When I come to do the overall figures I am going from when I was 17 weeks upwards, but the weight is done from pre-pregnancy. See I can't even explain it properly!

Well here are the measurements and bump pictures:

Measurements with Nugget:

Weight = 13st 4lbs! Only 4lbs over Leo pregnancy weight! Very strange and only 4lbs put on since I was 25 weeks. Total overall gain so far - (+1st 8lbs!)
Tummy = 105cm (+11.5cm)
Upper arm = 29cm
Upper leg = 63.5cm (+2.5cm)
Ankle = 24.5cm (+.5cm)
Neck = 34.5cm (+1.5cm)

Measurements with Leo:

Weight = 13st
Tummy = 104cm
Upper arm = 29cm
Upper leg = 61.5cm
Ankle = 24cm
Neck = 33cm

Bump picture while pregnant with Ellis.

I really struggled to believe that I was 30 weeks pregnant today. I had to keep checking and I didn't believe it each time. I'm really starting to feel quite big and I have a good waddle going now. Pelvis has been poor for 2 days now and I'm only hoping that it improves a bit as I still have another 10 weeks of growing to do!

I'm surprised that I have only gained 4lbs in 5 weeks, especially over the Christmas period but I have been quite ill at times and haven't really been eating as much as I would usually. I'm sure I will make up for it now I'm starting to feel better.

I have my flu jab on Thursday. Hopefully it will stop me becoming ill again before baby arrives as I still have so much sorting out to do.

Hopefully starting AB classes again soon. I can't go on the 11th as I have a committee meeting but I am hoping to start the following Tuesday. I really need to get my head in gear.

I think baby still isn't head down, but what do I know. My bladder takes a pounding every day, so unless his feet are up by his head, I'm guessing he is the wrong way around still.

Baby at 30 weeks.
The baby's lungs and digestive tract are almost fully developed. While the baby may soon slow up growing in length, (he measures about 15.7 inches/ 40 centimetres from crown to toe by now), he will continue to gain weight until he's born.

This week the baby continues to open and shut his eyes. He can probably see what's going on in utero, distinguish light from dark and even track a light source. If you shine a light on your stomach, the baby may move his head to follow the light or even reach out to touch the moving glow. Some researchers think baring your stomach to light stimulates visual development. But don't expect 20/20 vision when the baby is born -- newborns can see a distance of only about 8 to 12 inches/ 20 to 30 centimetres. (Children with normal vision don't reach 20/20 vision until about age 7 to 9.) To complete the picture, your baby now has eyebrows and eyelashes.

A pint and a half/ around a litre of amniotic fluid now surrounds the baby but that volume decreases as he gets bigger and has less room in your uterus. As you and the baby continue to grow, don't be alarmed if you feel as if you can't get enough air, it's just your uterus pressing against your diaphragm.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel though. At about 34 weeks (or just before birth, if this is your second or third pregnancy), your baby's head will move down into your pelvis as the baby gets into the right position for birth. That will make breathing and eating a lot easier

Saturday, 1 January 2011


I'm getting really behind with this blog and things change so rapidly at this stage so I need to keep on top of it.

I'm comfortably in to the third and final trimester now and I am certainly starting to feel it.

Feet, hands and lower legs are swollen a lot of the time now and I think my face is puffy too.

I've not been well now for quite a few weeks and it has really brought me down. The boys haven't been sleeping through either so I haven't been getting any quality sleep. I had a lush lie in today though as I slept until gone 12pm! I obviously really needed it. But then today I've felt like I haven't quite woken up all day, a bit fuzzy.

If allowed to sleep, then I do sleep okay. I'm not uncomfortable and turning over doesn't hurt yet which is great news. I don't really turn over though and spend 99% of my time on my left side.

Since the scan I have been totally obsessed by what position the baby is in. I am constantly prodding and feeling to see if I can work it out. I'm pretty sure it still isn't head down and most of the movement happens on top of my bladder or slightly to the left. It isn't a nice feeling either and I'm feeling totally deprived of feeling all the lovely kicks and feet sticking out etc that I had with Leo. Makes me feel a bit sad. I do realise there is plenty of time for him to turn but I'm convinced he won't and it bugs me every day. I did find this though on my growingdollop blog.

Most babies are born headfirst, but at the end of pregnancy, around 3% to 4% are found to be breech. Before 37 weeks of pregnancy, breech presentation is much more common - about 20% of babies at 28 weeks are breech, and 15% at 32 weeks. Before term, which is defined as 37 weeks, it doesn't matter if the baby is breech, as there is always a good chance that she will turn spontaneously. Some babies do turn by themselves after this time, but it is much less likely, and some preparations should be made to decide how delivery is going to take place. About 10% to 15% of breech babies are discovered for the first time late in labour!

Not sure if I mentioned before but a couple of weeks ago my boobs started to sting on and off and I was pretty sure they would soon start to leak, and they have. I don't need to wear a pad or anything but when I shower I notice that first bit of milk is starting to leak out.

I'm actually not looking forward to breastfeeding this time. I don't really know the reasons why yet but when I do I will write them down.

I'm still wearing normal size 14 jeans but my maternity ones are definitely comfier. I wear mostly maternity tops and I'm generally sticking to the same things.

I went to my physio appointment and she measured my gap in my stomach muscles and I am at 5cms. The most it should be is 3cm so I am now wearing my stretchy bandage everyday. I haven't found it as uncomfortable to wear as I did first time around. I now just need to be careful and take care of my muscles. Hoovering and food shopping are the 2 big NOs. I don't have to see her again now, unless I have any problems, until after the birth.

I've also seen the midwife but it was such a fast appointment and I could just tell that she didn't want to be there and was just getting through her day. My tummy is measuring correct for my dates, blood pressure was 110/60 which is quite low for me and we heard the heart beat. She was supposed to take some blood but said she would leave it until next time. I see her next on 26th Jan and I will be just over 33 weeks.

I've started to get fizzy hands the last few days. I think this is just another pregnancy symptom and I remember getting it before. Doesn't last too long which is good.

Pelvis is still up and down. It isn't anything like it was with Leo thank God but I still have plenty of time to go. I does hurt, but I just ignore it as much as possible.

I've really started to slow down too. I can't do anything in a rush and it's an effort to get up. Not sure if that is because of the pregnancy or because I haven't been well for so long. I just don't have any umff. Hopefully it will come back soon as I still have so much to sort out before baba arrives.

Now that we are in the new year I must admit I am starting to shit myself. I'm really quite nervous about it all. I'm hoping this is just a stage and I will come out the other side but at the moment I keep getting butterflies and I want to cry. I'm not too worried about the labour it's just dealing with the end of the pregnancy, the recovery of birth and also looking after 3 young children. It's a very daunting prospect. I don't do a good enough job of looking after the house as it is and meal times are just crap, and I can only see it getting worse not better. It really worries me as I don't want to live in a dirty house and I need to make sure Rob has clothes ready for work, it just all feels like a lot. Feeling very overwhelmed and scared. I'm sure it will turn out fine and I will cope.

Off to bed now to try and keep up with getting some good sleep. Will hopefully do 30 week post with measurements and pictures.