Saturday, 29 January 2011


Nugget hasn't stopped wriggling today. Hopefully he is spending his time getting into a better position but it really has been all day movement, which has been nice. A few kicks to the bladder which wasn't so nice but other than that it's been lush.

Skin was feeling a bit stretched and itchy today and I'm just praying I don't get any more stretch marks. My tummy already looks like a road map of London, I just don't want it to expand any more.

Went out on date night tonight with hubby and we had a discussion about names and how I don't want a nameless baby so would like to have some ideas before he arrives. I have one name that I quite like and unless anything else pops up, then I'm set on it. The only problem is that Rob isn't keen on it. I'm open to other ideas if he should come up with any mind you. We also talked about a middle name and one came up that I'm really happy about too and goes really well with the first name I like too. It's actually made me feel rather excited which is a bit strange. Makes it more real I suppose as at the moment the getting ready stage is going very slowly and I feel like it isn't quite happening. I hope that makes sense.

Still swollen and will be now until after baby has arrived, so just have to put up with it.

Pelvis is the same too. Not worse, not better but manageable.

Boobs are huge and I'm snuggly fitting my 32FF bras. I'm still wearing under-wired bras and I will probably get away with it for a bit longer yet.

I still haven't managed to video any movement in my belly yet and I really want to get a bit, so will make an effort with that soon.

Rob is allowing me to have another lie in tomorrow so like he said, I should make the most of it and get some sleep. So that is what I'm going to do.

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