I was called in pretty quickly and immediately she dipped my urine and found that I had huge amounts of sugar in it. This could indicate diabetes but I have no other symptoms apart from the swelling and tiredness so she said she wouldn't worry about it this time but will see me again in 3 weeks to check it again. I need to reduce my sugar intake a bit.
She measured bump and it was 33 centimetres which is what it should be so that was good news. Heart rate of baby was traced and seen as fine and she had a feel of bump and said she thought it was head down but not 100%. She said we wouldn't worry about it until 37 weeks and would send me for a scan if she wasn't sure. I asked if it was breech would they do an ECV on me and she said they may not want to because of previous c-section. Even though this isn't necessarily going to happen I was still rather annoyed by this for the rest of the day!
An ECV is a external cephalic version. Basically they grease you up and try to manipulate the baby around and hope that it stays head down, as some flip back like I did. Sorry Mum. There is a really good video of it here.
Midwife took some blood which is never a problem for me and this time she hit the vein first time.
My blood pressure was fine and that was about it. I have another appointment in 3 weeks time.
I did talk about my consultant appointment which is on 15th February and she confirmed that they would just talk about my options and tell me the risks etc which I have already heard when I went with Leo, so not really sure what the point in me going is. I told her I would call up and cancel my appointment and she just said to try and call them really early and speak to a midwife there first. Okay, I'll give it a go but I'm not attending the appointment.
I was quite flustered when I left the clinic. Leo had been a very good boy, going in and out of the car and buggy and just having to sit there watching me too.
Rob fixed the car seat and put the covers in the wash and I cleaned the hood this morning so it's all ready to go looking brand new which is nice.
I have picked up the mattress for the crib and the bedding has been washed and ironed so if baby was to surprise us then we would manage. There is still plenty to do though:
Hospital bag
Clean crib
Finish cleaning, ironing and putting clothes away
Sort out all the pads, cotton wool, nappies etc
Changing box
Blue chair - get back & clean
Memory Box & Scrap book
Birth plan
Oil for perineum massage
Clean sling
Clean buggy cocoon
Find mobile, clean and attach to crib
Clean play mat and find toys that go with it
Sort out baby toys
Present from Nugget to boys
Names list
I know a lot of that isn't critical before baby arrives but it would make me happy and more at ease if it was done.
Okay then so for my hospital bag I have a list of the following:
Shower Gel
Toothbrush & paste
Hair brush
Hair ties
Knickers/net pants
Nursing bra
Pads - maternity & breast
Towels x2
Dressing gown
Slipper socks/slippers
Cotton Wool
Nappy sacks
3 x vests
3 x baby grows
Going home outfit
Smaller stretchy bandage for my tummy muscles
Notepad and pen for marking down breastfeeding times (although could do on my phone)
2 x cameras (charged and empty memory cards)
Water bottle
Mobile & charger
V pillow
Birthing ball
List of people to contact
Maternity notes
Birth plan
Tens machin
Something to give birth in
Very long list but I expect I have forgotten something. Just need to find one bag that isn't too big but fits it all in. I'm hoping to use Rob's bag that he uses for going away with. Might try and grab that this weekend.
The birth plan will just be a slight revised version of the one we used for Leo's birth. I can do that this weekend too so hopefully that will be another thing ticked off the list.
Nugget wiggles a bit but all the hand and feet sticking out thing happens down by my c-section scar so I haven't been able to see it let alone video it. Bit sad about that but never mind.
He gets hiccups quite a lot and I can't stand it. It is a horrible feeling for me. I know lots of people love it but I'm not one of them.
Pelvis hasn't been too bad the last couple of days and I've been quite busy. It does really hurt to turn over in bed and getting up and down can be a bit of struggle but other than that I'm doing pretty good at ignoring it.
Went to my second Active Birthing class on Tuesday which was brilliant. I so wish Naomi was there as we talked through what AB was all about and what sort of stuff you would learn. I wish she could have heard it for herself and not through me. I'm sure she thinks some hippy weirdo is teaching some yoga breathing nonsense or something when it so not like that. It is informative and very helpful and puts it all into perspective so that by the time you are sat by the door (being the one due next) you are relaxed and ready to face the labour and birth and all that it brings with it.
Still rather puffy and feeling large but enjoying it. I'm not wishing it away and not wanting to rush it.
Out tomorrow night with Yoga lot for a meal which I'm really looking forward to and then it's date night Saturday so I'll be going out again. Not sure where though.
Hopefully get a few things done off my list this weekend which will help me to feel a lot more settled and relaxed.
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