Saturday, 1 January 2011


I'm getting really behind with this blog and things change so rapidly at this stage so I need to keep on top of it.

I'm comfortably in to the third and final trimester now and I am certainly starting to feel it.

Feet, hands and lower legs are swollen a lot of the time now and I think my face is puffy too.

I've not been well now for quite a few weeks and it has really brought me down. The boys haven't been sleeping through either so I haven't been getting any quality sleep. I had a lush lie in today though as I slept until gone 12pm! I obviously really needed it. But then today I've felt like I haven't quite woken up all day, a bit fuzzy.

If allowed to sleep, then I do sleep okay. I'm not uncomfortable and turning over doesn't hurt yet which is great news. I don't really turn over though and spend 99% of my time on my left side.

Since the scan I have been totally obsessed by what position the baby is in. I am constantly prodding and feeling to see if I can work it out. I'm pretty sure it still isn't head down and most of the movement happens on top of my bladder or slightly to the left. It isn't a nice feeling either and I'm feeling totally deprived of feeling all the lovely kicks and feet sticking out etc that I had with Leo. Makes me feel a bit sad. I do realise there is plenty of time for him to turn but I'm convinced he won't and it bugs me every day. I did find this though on my growingdollop blog.

Most babies are born headfirst, but at the end of pregnancy, around 3% to 4% are found to be breech. Before 37 weeks of pregnancy, breech presentation is much more common - about 20% of babies at 28 weeks are breech, and 15% at 32 weeks. Before term, which is defined as 37 weeks, it doesn't matter if the baby is breech, as there is always a good chance that she will turn spontaneously. Some babies do turn by themselves after this time, but it is much less likely, and some preparations should be made to decide how delivery is going to take place. About 10% to 15% of breech babies are discovered for the first time late in labour!

Not sure if I mentioned before but a couple of weeks ago my boobs started to sting on and off and I was pretty sure they would soon start to leak, and they have. I don't need to wear a pad or anything but when I shower I notice that first bit of milk is starting to leak out.

I'm actually not looking forward to breastfeeding this time. I don't really know the reasons why yet but when I do I will write them down.

I'm still wearing normal size 14 jeans but my maternity ones are definitely comfier. I wear mostly maternity tops and I'm generally sticking to the same things.

I went to my physio appointment and she measured my gap in my stomach muscles and I am at 5cms. The most it should be is 3cm so I am now wearing my stretchy bandage everyday. I haven't found it as uncomfortable to wear as I did first time around. I now just need to be careful and take care of my muscles. Hoovering and food shopping are the 2 big NOs. I don't have to see her again now, unless I have any problems, until after the birth.

I've also seen the midwife but it was such a fast appointment and I could just tell that she didn't want to be there and was just getting through her day. My tummy is measuring correct for my dates, blood pressure was 110/60 which is quite low for me and we heard the heart beat. She was supposed to take some blood but said she would leave it until next time. I see her next on 26th Jan and I will be just over 33 weeks.

I've started to get fizzy hands the last few days. I think this is just another pregnancy symptom and I remember getting it before. Doesn't last too long which is good.

Pelvis is still up and down. It isn't anything like it was with Leo thank God but I still have plenty of time to go. I does hurt, but I just ignore it as much as possible.

I've really started to slow down too. I can't do anything in a rush and it's an effort to get up. Not sure if that is because of the pregnancy or because I haven't been well for so long. I just don't have any umff. Hopefully it will come back soon as I still have so much to sort out before baba arrives.

Now that we are in the new year I must admit I am starting to shit myself. I'm really quite nervous about it all. I'm hoping this is just a stage and I will come out the other side but at the moment I keep getting butterflies and I want to cry. I'm not too worried about the labour it's just dealing with the end of the pregnancy, the recovery of birth and also looking after 3 young children. It's a very daunting prospect. I don't do a good enough job of looking after the house as it is and meal times are just crap, and I can only see it getting worse not better. It really worries me as I don't want to live in a dirty house and I need to make sure Rob has clothes ready for work, it just all feels like a lot. Feeling very overwhelmed and scared. I'm sure it will turn out fine and I will cope.

Off to bed now to try and keep up with getting some good sleep. Will hopefully do 30 week post with measurements and pictures.

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