- In preparation for this birth, I have attended active labour classes. I would prefer to have an active birth – moving around, kneeling, using my birthing ball etc. My preference is for as natural a birth as possible. Nevertheless, I understand that I may require pain relief and/or medical intervention if the birth is difficult.
- I would like my husband Rob to accompany and support me throughout my labour.
- I would like to avoid lying on my back. If I need to lie down, I would like it to be on my side if possible. Please can the lights be kept subdued throughout, including after the birth.
- I would prefer not to have internal examinations. If an examination is required, I would like it to be carried out in the position that I am in at the time, where possible.
- For natural pain relief, I plan to use breathing techniques, a TENS machine, a heat pack and massage etc. I am happy to try gas and air. Please do NOT offer me any other medical pain relief unless I ask for it.
- If an epidural becomes necessary I would like it to be as low a dose as possible so that I can continue to feel my legs and be aware of contractions. I would prefer for it to wear off for the second stage as I would like to be able to push my baby out myself.
- I would like intervention in the birth to be kept as minimal as safety allows, with foetal monitoring that enables me to remain active and mobile. If any medical intervention is necessary, I would like to be clearly informed of the benefits, the risks and the alternatives so I can make informed decisions with my husband.
- If Oxytocin is needed during the labour I would still like to be able to move around, so please use a long tube and attach the drip to my arm as opposed to my hand.
- I would prefer for my baby to be delivered onto the floor/bed in front of me to allow me to bring him to my skin myself.
- It is my intention to breastfeed and I wish to do so as soon as possible. I would like to try to breastfeed without assistance and will ask if I require any help.
- My husband and I would like to spend some quiet time alone with our baby as soon as is safely possible.
Third Stage of Labour
- I would prefer to have an unassisted third stage of labour and Rob would like to cut the umbilical cord once it has stopped pulsating. However, if the midwife feels that it is necessary, or if I feel too exhausted to deliver the placenta naturally, then I would like to wait until the umbilical cord has stopped pulsating and been cut, before the injection is administered.
- My preference is for our baby to be administered with the vitamin K injection.
Caesarean Section
- I would prefer not to have a screen obscuring the delivery.
- I would like the umbilical cord to be clamped as far away as possible from our baby to allow him to benefit from the cord blood.
- I would like to be handed my baby as soon as possible and I am happy for him to be cleaned up later.
- I would like to be talked through the caesarean procedure while it is happening to allow me understand what is being done.
Just need to print that off and then cross it off my list of things to do. Hurrah!
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