Saturday, 18 December 2010


Today was the day of our 4D scan. I was pretty nervous and excited and not really sure what to expect.

The Mum's arrived and we said our goodbyes to the boys before getting in the new car to head to the appointment.

We left in plenty of time but we arrived at the clinic on time, not early. It didn't matter though as we didn't get called in until 4pm and our appointment was at 3:45pm. I do understand now though why we were a little late. I'll explain in a bit.

I had had a can of fizzy and a couple of chocolate bars to get the baby moving as this was what I was instructed to do. I had a full bladder too which isn't essential but if the baby is in a funny position, then going for a wee might help it to move.

We did the formalities of signing the declaration etc and then I hopped on the bed and warm gel was applied to my huge tummy. It was warm because it had been on the radiator.

They lady that did the scan was Natalie and she is actually a friend of Tilly's which was a bit strange to find out as she really wanted to ask me about it at the start of the session but we didn't find out until the end.

The first part was doing the usual 2D scan of just checking around, the sex of the baby (clearly still a boy) and its general health and position. Guess what? The baby is breech! I know there is plenty of time for it to move around and I so hope it does but in my gut I really think it won't. Time will tell on that, and like Sally said, at least I could blag another scan later on.

We did get a DVD of the whole thing and there is a part on there pointing out the fact that he is indeed a he. When I work out how to put it on here, I will. But I'm sure that will be after Christmas now unless I can get Rob to help me with it.

We then started to look at the 4D images. It didn't work how I thought it would. I assumed it would be the same as a normal scan but seeing it properly if you know what I mean. But what actually happens is, they find the face on the 2D image and then flick a switch, wait for it to work for a little bit and then you see what you get. A lot of the time there is a lot of black holes, which is where there is cord, hands, arms, and in our babies case, legs and feet! Yep his feet were up over his head, just like Ellis'.

We tried for a while to get something and I had to roll over onto my right side, then onto my left side, then back to my back but we still weren't getting any good face pictures. Natalie then said to go to the toilet, walk around, get a drink, jump up and down etc and come back in 15 minutes. This 15 minutes is why we were late going in as the girl before us had the same issue and had to go back to try again. We were very lucky with this and I will explain why again later on.

I went to the loo then went outside for a walk. I managed to grab Rob who was buying coffee for the Mum's and he bought me a tea. Hot tea always gets Nugget moving. I walked around a little bit more and then we went back in.

It wasn't fantastic but it was better than before. We managed to get a few good pictures.

I love this one!

Hand and foot in front of face. We could see his fingers and toes wiggle.

Here are some short videos of the scan too.

There was a really funny moment towards the end where we were watching his hand in front of his face and it looked like he was counting as he had a hand and foot there and Rob said he had got to 10 and needed to carry on. Then we said about him telling us to get lost and that we wouldn't be surprised if he gave us the finger. Seconds later he did! We all laughed, even the sonographer who apologised for doing so. I told her not to be silly and that of course she could laugh. Bless.

We were in there for ages and at the end when she said she was all done, she asked if I was happy and I said yes but could you please do it for 10 seconds more? Cheeky I know but I knew we were her last appointment and I just wanted one more glimpse of his chubby chops.

The Mums and Rob enjoyed it and we all agreed that it looked a lot like Ellis. There were times, especially from the side angle that it looked a bit like Leo but with the full lips, chubby nose and cheeks, I think it looked just like my first born. I hope the delivery doesn't end up the same though. I can't help myself freeking out about it a bit and I have already started to read up on ways to get the baby shifting. This one web site suggested these things!

1. Visualizing the baby moving down with the head very deep in your pelvis, several times a day; especially in conjunction with positions and exercises below.
2. Swimming as often as possible. This keeps your body and pelvis loose and relaxed. Do in conjunction with headstand below if you have help.
3. Headstand - with assistance and in a pool frequently as possible.
4. Breech Tilt - begin at 32-35 weeks gestation. Do 3 times daily for 10-15 minutes each time, when you have an empty stomach, and the baby is active. Prop one end of an ironing board securely on a sofa or chair 12 to 18 inches high (or may use slant board). Lie down, bend knees but keep feet flat on board. Relax, breathe deeply, avoid tensing. May also use pillows on a flat surface to raise hips 12-18" above shoulders. Gravity pushes the baby's head into the fundus, tucks it, and baby can then do a somersault to a vertex position.
5. CD/iPod headphones - place them inside mom's pants toward her pubic bone and play classical music for 10 minutes 6-8 times a day.
6. Flashlight - try moving slowly down from the top of the uterus toward your pubic bone while you are in a breech tilt position.
7. Massage - start with your left hand at the bottom of the abdomen and your right hand just above it. Move move your hands clockwise around the right side of your tummy. As your right hand reaches the top of your abdomen, slide the left one over your right and move it down the left side of your tummy. Your left hand leads as you you come full circle, continuing clockwise. Massage gently as you would to apply lotion. Massage for ten minutes or more up to several times each day.
8. Clothespin - place on the small toe of each foot at the outside corner of the toenail; sideways so that the toenail and toepad are stimulated for 30 minutes per day, this is an acupressure point that is a "moving down" point. You can also do this with just finger pressure as you remember to do it.
9. Motion Sickness band - place with the bead four fingerwidths above the inner ankle bone - another acupressure point that is used for stimulation of the uterus. Do not use this point if you are experiencing any pre-term labor.
10. Glass of orange or other juice - follow this with a side-lying position with your hips positioned higher than your feet. Babies move more after a sugar high!
11. Pelvic Tilt- with an ice pack on the top of your tummy on an empty stomach, 10 minutes twice a day. Do this while lying on your back on the floor with knees flexed and feet on the floor with three large pillows placed under your buttocks. Try this in conjunction with headphones and visualization.
12. Cat stretch - start with all fours, then lay your head and chest flat on the floor with your buttocks in the air, as you round your back and return to all fours.
13. Knee-chest position - by kneeling with hips flexed slightly more than 90 degree, but with thighs not pressing against your tummy and your head, shoulders and upper chest are flat on a mattress for 15 minutes every two waking hours for five days.
14. Belly Relaxing followed by Inversion - Partner places a shawl, sheet, towel or rebozo under mom's hips as she lays on the floor. Lift up on the corners of the cloth and shimmy her from side to side moving your hands up and down to wiggle her belly from side to side. These should be very small movements which mom should find very relaxing. Do this for about 5 minutes. Then mother kneels on the stairway landing. Walk your hands down 2 or 3 stairs into an all fours position; have your partner support your shoulders to balance you. Remain in this position for about 5-10 minutes or as long as comfortable. Also do this on an empty stomach.
The following techniques to turn breech babies to vertex involve the assistance of a specialist or medical professional:
15. Acupuncture - find a acupuncturist who is familiar with pregnancy and knows the points to stimulate for turning a breech baby.
16. Webster's Breech Technique - see a Chiropractor who is experienced in this technique.
17. External Version - this can be done in the hospital at about 37 weeks; see an Ob-Gyn for assistance and more information.

I'm just really hoping it doesn't come to any of that, but I suppose I ought to be prepared. I need to stop getting myself worked up about it for now as like everyone says there is plenty of time for it to turn. Just want to cry though. I'll snap out of it, just a bit tired from all the excitement.

We had to wait for the photos, CD and DVD before Rob brought the car to the door for us to go home.

The Mums watched a repeat of the DVD in the back of our new car on the way home, which was pretty cool.

At home we tried to talk to Ellis about it but he was too interested in the ipad. Will try again tomorrow.

Hands and feet are puffy again tonight. Looks like that might be here to stay until the end. I'm going to be massive just like I was with Ellis. Ah well.

I'm off to do some handstands!

Friday, 17 December 2010


This evening Rob has heard the heart beat, felt him moving and then tomorrow he will see him! How exciting.

I got out the shower tonight and noticed that my feet and legs are puffy. I suppose it is quite sudden but my shower was quite hot so I'm putting it down to that. A few hours have passed and they are still puffy so maybe that's just the way they will be now.

Feeling very tired at the moment but I have been very busy. I'm soldiering on like a trooper though. Well I think so anyway.

Getting excited/nervous about the scan tomorrow. Hope the weather isn't too bad but as least we have our 4x4 now so we should be okay. Will update on car soon.

Very late night again for me but I am having the lie in tomorrow which is great as I bet the kids will be in with us early anyway.

Wednesday, 15 December 2010


Still haven't managed to work out how to put the videos on yet but will have another go on Friday when Rob is home to help me with stupid technology!

Nipples have started to sting in the last couple of days so I'm expecting them to start leaking soon.

Pain in leg is still there but I've been trying to ignore it and just getting on with it. It does feel quite muscular but was wondering if it could be a sign of a blood clot or something. I haven't checked for swelling which I suppose I should but leg colour seems fine so I'm sure its not. Sally's sister suffered really badly with a blood clot so its been brought to my attention recently. I wouldn't have given it a thought if it wasn't for that. Thankfully she is doing much better and last blood test was normal levels I believe, so YAY!

Rob keeps coming home from work, putting his hand on bump and going ah, I love it. It's so nice of him to do that and I know he isn't putting it on as such. It is a genuine feeling and it makes me feel nice as I feel like I don't particularly look nice. Every time I glance in a mirror, I never look properly, I see someone with a puffy white face, bags and just generally looking awful.

Nugget is still moving tons which is lush. Wish I could bottle the sensation and feelings you have when you feel it as the memories of this part seem to go very quickly. In fact its the biggest thing you miss when baby is out yet you can't remember what it feels like. Very strange.

Ellis rested his hand on my tummy earlier and left it there for a while which was nice. He didn't feel him move even though he did right under his hand, like father like son! I also showed him some newborn sized clothes in Sainsbury's today so that he could get some idea of how small he will be when he gets here.

Right off to do the other blog as I'm behind, again!

Tuesday, 14 December 2010


90 days to go! Next week I will be in my 3rd trimester! Crazy!

Last night I was laid in bed watching my belly wobble about and I thought I might have a go at trying to listen to his heart beat with the stethoscope that Shazza has kindly leant to me. I had a go the other night but couldn't find anything but it didn't take me long to find it last night. It was great! I loved it and will probably try doing it all the time now!

The wobble belly was Nugget kicking about. He really is a wriggler and the past 2 days he has hardly slept! He either has the hiccups, is trying to turn around or is kicking me. He gets into some funny positions but mainly he is stuck up right under my rib cage on the right side, kicking down towards my bladder and bum. Not a nice feeling and I'm looking forward to some higher kicks please.

I will try and load the videos I did later on as they are on my mobile phone so need to work that all out first.

Woke up this morning with really bad pain running down my left leg, and it hasn't improved all day. It feels like I've pulled my hamstring. I so hope it is just that. I was in and out of the car a lot yesterday so that might have something to do with it.

The evening is passing by and I have loads to do. Need to finish Rob's dinner, sort out the washing and I would like to do a topflumps blog entry as I get really behind on that. But it's already 8pm and I have yet to shower so think I may get very little done.

Sunday, 12 December 2010


Been feeling fine. I did slip on Ellis' rug last night and pulled my pelvis but it seems to have got better as the day has gone on which is great news.

Feeling tons of kicks and movement now but it is all still very low down. I've convinced myself already that this baby will be breach. I don't know why, I just have. Will try and convince Judith (midwife) to give me a late scan to double check.

Looking forward to the 4d scan next week but a little bit nervous too. It will be very strange seeing our baby's face.

Saw Naomi on Friday night and she hardly has a bump! I'm so massive in comparison to her and I'm a lot taller so you would think she would show more too. Hopefully the scan will be able to show if the size of the baby is okay for this stage.

Loving being pregnant.

Thursday, 9 December 2010


Right then here is my 25 week post when I am 26 weeks and 3 days pregnant. Better late than never!

Bump pictures and measurements first before chat.

Me with Ellis

Me with Leo

Me with Nugget.

Measurements with Leo

Weight = 12st 6lb
Tummy = 98cm
Upper arm = 29cm
Upper leg = 60cm
Ankle = 23.5cm
eck = 33cm

Measurements with Nugget

Weight = 13st! (+1st 5lbs!!!! SHIT!) With Leo pregnancy I had put on 12lbs at this stage.
Tummy = 100cm
Upper arm = 29cm
Upper leg = 63cm
Ankle = 23.5cm
Neck = 33.5cm

So overall I am much bigger than my second pregnancy but I did start off from a higher level anyway. Never mind, I'm sure when I'm looking after 3 children aged 3 1/2 and below I won't have too much time to eat and the weight will come back off a bit quicker than before.

I've started to shop a bit for Nugget and I will soon be getting his room ready, after Christmas actually but I'm at least thinking about it.

The crib is in from the garage which needs a clean and I have to purchase a new mattress. I won't bother with mattress covers as I have loads. Will have lots of washing to do though.

I don't have much to buy really. The newborn vests and grows are barely used so they will be fine. The next size up I might get rid of some but then again I might not.

I managed to find a do do which I love. It's the same as Leo's but a different colour.

And I think I bought a coming home outfit as the one used for Leo and Ellis is too summery.

I've also bought a snow suit, which is lush! It isn't too thick so should get away with it for the first month. It didn't cost too much money so don't worry Sally.

I was supposed to see the physio and the midwife the week commencing 29th November but Leo was unwell, and still is, so I changed it and the midwife appointment was working out to be too much hassle right before Ellis' swimming lesson so I changed that too. She couldn't fit me in until 23rd December and I'll be just over 28 weeks by then. I haven't seen her since 16 weeks. That's a huge gap but normal for subsequent pregnancies apparently.

Pelvis pain has been up and down. Mostly up though and I can't complain. I do hobble about and I walk as though one leg is longer than the other. It also takes me a few steps when I get up to loosen up a bit so that I can walk freely. I haven't been wearing my stretchy bandage thing as I don't think I need it yet.

With this pregnancy I am certainly getting more painful muscle twinges. I only had it a couple of times with Leo. It's like an electric shock running down the right side of my belly button. I know it's to do with the diastases (which you can read about here) and it won't be getting better until baby is out.

Overall though at the moment I must admit that apart from hobbling and feeling a few twinges, stings etc I am feeling fine. I don't even notice I'm pregnant half the time and sometimes when I'm stretching first thing in the morning and Nugget gives me a "gentle" kick to the bladder I suddenly remember what is going on in there. Please don't think I don't think about him as I do, a lot.

My bump is massive! It really sticks out quite a long way, so does my arse and thighs mind you. I measured it yesterday, my bump that is, and I think I'm about 2 weeks over on my size! I hope I'm wrong. Ellis and Leo weren't huge babies though. They were both overdue, Leo was 8lb 1 1/2 ounces and Ellis was 7lb 13 1/2 ounces. Which is about average apparently.

I don't like the look of my bump this time for a few reasons. The excess skin from Leo hangs out at the bottom which is just plain weird and my stretch marks are horrific to me. I love looking at it with clothes on but unlike the first 2 pregnancies I tend to keep it covered up. I often catch Rob looking at it though and because I'm paranoid I think he is thinking the same thing but he says he loves it. He said he thinks it's the cutest bump I've had. That was sweet to say so.

Nugget is kicking a lot more but 99.9% of the movement is down towards my bladder and just above my pubic bone. It's very strange and I hope it moves up a bit soon so I can video some of the movement. I have had a go but it isn't working just yet. Still have time.

Boobs are huge too! They look funny really but I like them. Need to get down to Perfect Fit for a new under wired bra. I know I shouldn't be wearing one but I have to. I've not had any problems with milk supply with the first 2 and by the size of these things, I don't think I will this time either. I wonder how all that will go. When I got pregnant with Leo my boobs were still leaking and continued to do so for the whole pregnancy but this time they weren't leaking to start with and haven't started now either. Feeding Leo was a breeze in comparison to Ellis so I just hope we have the same again please.

I've started to get a bit of indigestion recently. Nothing major just a bit of acid reflux every now and then. I slept in a sitting up position the other night but that has only happened once. I'm sure more will come when baby grows a bit more.

Appetite is all over the place. Some days I'm so hungry I could just sit and eat but others like the last 2 days, I can take it or leave it.

I finally decided that I did want to go ahead with a 4d scan and so I am booked in to have one on the 18th December. I really can't wait! Mum's are coming too which will be nice and the boys are being looked after by Uncle Dave (Ellis) and Grandad Rennolds (Leo). We did want to go out for food after but Uncle Dave has to go out in the evening so we have to get back.

I am in 2 minds about posting the pictures and videos from the scan. I'm not sure if I want to keep my baby's face private or not. I share everything else (not the name) so was thinking about keeping that for us. But then I want to record it on here so I am having a dilemma. I'm pretty sure I will post it as I know very few people actually read this blog anyway.

We have also bought a new car again. Rob has picked it up but refuses to bring it back home until it has been cleaned as he is worried about my response. I know he likes it and he really wants me too, and I'm sure I will, but he just wants to make sure. It is a Land Rover Discovery 3, 2.7 tdi, 2004, automatic, dark blue, cream leather interior, it has TV screens in the back and lots of other stuff. This one we can't send back but the health check at the garage had a very positive report and we were lucky to get it as someone else couldn't get their funds together in time so it was offered to us instead. YAY!

Can't wait to meet my baba! But I'm also happy to wait if you know what I mean. I'll get a little glimpse in 9 days! That reminds me, I'm into double figures now for how long I have left. Scary stuff!

Going to start my Active Birthing classes soon and I would love for Naomi to come with me but pretty sure she isn't up for it. I just want her to come to one or two just to see what it's all about as I think you can be put off just by what it is called.

Starting my antenatal classes after Crimbo. I really want to go to them again as it's a bit of a refresher and hopefully I can help by sharing any experience that I may have. It's also nice to have a natter with other women in the same boat. I just hope that I can find someone to have the boys for me on a Tuesday morning! Any takers please?

Huge blog which I didn't really want to start but once I got going I couldn't stop! Definitely have preggers brain though as I sent a Christmas card to my sister with the name of her dog that she had put down a year ago on it and I tried to put Leo's slipper on his hand today! Very funny.

Off to chill for 2 minutes before going to bed. Doesn't make sense I know.