Tuesday, 26 April 2011


Loving being a new Mummy again. I don't know why but it feels different this time around. Different good. I'm really enjoying it and feel reasonably relaxed about everything.

Tonight I gave Oscar a big feed then again put him in his bed wide awake and just walked away. He is still there now and it is 23:15pm. I so hope this is the beginning of a pattern.

The feeding seems to have settled down at the moment and there is a slight routine forming but I'm not looking into it too much. I'm just going with the flow to a certain extent.

I managed to hand express again this morning. Not sure how successful I was until I put it into a bottle to see how much I have. I will try and do it regularly to build up a supply but it is hard going and hard to find the time to do it.

Had a busy busy day again but feel good about it. I managed to hoover the whole house this morning and do a bit of sorting, as well as express, feed, change nappies, sort the washing, feed everyone, did the dishwasher, shoe shopping for Ellis, food shopping and snack time in Sainsbury's cafe. Had Lisa over for a visit late afternoon and a man picked up the 3 seater sofa after I had put the boys to bed. I then tried to get as much ready as possible for tomorrow as it will be the first time I have to be somewhere at a certain time. Hope it goes well but I'm already feeling tired thinking about it. Suppose I should get to bed really. Another late night!

Monday, 25 April 2011


Oscar has been a really good boy today, which makes a change from last night when he was just really pissy for some reason.

He went to sleep quite late last night but only fed at 2am and not at 5am so when we got up at 7am, my boobs were full and sore. I knew I had to express a bit if I was to get any comfort so I hand expressed directly into a sterile bag which didn't work that well but I managed to get 3fl oz while being harassed by Leo.

Oscar fed and slept really well today which was nice and I was able to get a few things done.

He did sleep in bed with me all night last night though as I couldn't get him to settle not even in his chair.

I was just looking back at some old pictures and videos of Leo. Oscar and Leo look so alike. Leo was given a bottle at the same time as Oscar and it was 3fl oz too so that must just be the amount I can express at the moment. I hope to find time to express more and build up a supply so that I can go out in the evening and leave Oscar at home.

So this afternoon Rob gave Oscar a bottle for the first time. Half way through Ellis grabbed the bottle and decided to have a go. He did it really well and it was lush to watch. In the video he says about milk comes from boobies and cows. The milk in the bottle came from Mummy's boobies. So cute,but I put my finger over the microphone so you can't actually hear it.

He had a nice long feed from 7 - 8pm and then I put him in his bed wide awake. I expected him to scream for me a few minutes later but he didn't and it is now 23:13pm and he is still asleep!

My boob is full now though so hope he wakes for a feed soon.

Off for shower and bed now as I'm shattered.

Thursday, 21 April 2011


Took Oscar to the hospital this morning to have his hips scanned. I was worried about the parking but I left with plenty of time and I parked by the maternity services and walked to the radiology department. I sat for about 5 minutes before being called in and as I went in I saw Kath. Kath was in the bed opposite me when I went in for the c-section. Kath and I had a quick chat and then I had to go to the appointment.

I laid Oscar down on a stretcher and lifted up his grow and vest and took him into the scan room. The sonographer took him and laid him on his side in between some cusions. She put some jelly on his hip and then started scanning. He didn't cry just wriggled a little bit. I could see the hip joint on the screen and she did some measurements, turned him over, scanned again and then said that everything looked fine and that I would receive a letter in the post confirming that.

I saw Kath again on the way out and said I would leave my name and number at the reception desk if she was interested in meeting up.

I was in and out in no time.

Then this afternoon I went for my 6 week check up with a list of things I wanted to ask about. I checked in and was called pretty much as I sat down, unheard of! Apparently people hadn't been turning up all day so they had loads of time. The doctor was lovely and very friendly. I said that I wanted to get my all my moles checked out so she started on my arms and then just asked if I wanted to strip basically and get the rest checked, which I did. She went round putting her finger on pretty much every single one. So relived that they are all fine and she didn't make me feel uncomfortable at all. Then I asked if she could prescribe some Lactulose as I'm struggling to poo at the moment, plus it kills because of the lovely piles! Nice huh!?

Next on the list was going back on the pill and I thought she would do my blood pressure but she didn't bother. She then checked my tummy and my scar and said they both looked very good.

Before I left she asked if I was getting on okay, if I was bonding with Baba etc and I said that things were going great and probably better than when it was just Ellis and Leo as they occupy each other and I get time with just Oscar. Lush!

I took all the prescriptions over to the chemist and arrived home by 4:15pm and my appointment was only 4pm. Pretty good going.

Oscar is starting to really smile and talk to you. It's so lush! I will try and get some on video but it's hard as as soon as they see the camera they forget what they were actually doing.

He is stirring now and I'm tired so off to bed for me. 10pm seems to be my new bedtime, but I don't mind as I need the sleep. Oscar wakes around 10pm for a feed and can then go to about 2am and then again at 4/5am before we get up around 7am. Not too bad really.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011


Forgot to mention in my video that I gave Oscar some tummy time for the first time on the 16th April and he did pretty well.

Thursday, 14 April 2011


This is my 100th post on this blog!

I really didn't realise how colicy Oscar was until Saskia came over on Monday and suggested I tried Colief to see if it would help. You would not believe the difference! It is like having a totally different baby. He isn't screaming out in pain and is able to have restful sleep which he is doing quite a lot of now. It's just like how I thought it would be. Give him a good feed and then let him sleep in his chair for a bit. I feel so much better now and I just hope that it continues. I know he isn't going to keep sleeping all the time but at least now I feel like he is feeling better which means I am.

The only problem with Colief is that it cost £10.97 a bottle! You can get it on prescription and I will ask when I go for my 6 week check up but I don't think they will let me for some reason.

I'm having issues with the name again. What a nightmare! I keep calling him Oliver! I don't know what to do. I'm not sure if I should give changing his name any serious thought or not! Have to wait and see.

Last night Rob and I attempted to do the hand and foot casts like we did for the older boys. I really forgot how tricky it is. Oscar did really really well though. He cried a lot but settled and went back to sleep okay. We did quite a few attempts but we won't know how well they turned out until the weekend. We may have to do some more, I certainly hope not, and Rob even more! He even said he wouldn't have any more children as he never wants to do the casting again. I can't say I blame him, it is a complete arse but I do love that we have done it.

My skin is changing and my hair has slowly started to fall out. I'm getting spots again and my hair needs washing more often which is great now I have lots more free time, NOT!

I've been on my own this week with all 3 of the boys and so far so good. I'm actually really enjoying it but it is really hard work. I really don't stop, other than to feed and even then I have to get up and do stuff. Today I was feeding when I got Leo out of his high chair, up the stairs and into his cot for nap time. Don't know how I managed it really. Oscar did come off while I was zipping Leo into his sleeping bag though. I'm not wonder woman!

I took all 3 of them to Leo's music class and it all just went really well. Too well in fact as I'm waiting for it all to go tits up! I'm not being negative, far from it, I'm just taking each day as it comes and hoping for the best. I'm certainly trying very hard and I hope it continues to be so enjoyable. I'm certain there will be bad days but like I said, just taking it as it comes for now.

Sunday, 10 April 2011


Oscar was 1 month old today so I took some pictures. He is now in 0-3 month clothes and I've started to pack up and give away the newborn stuff. Sniff, sniff. I've also started to put my maternity stuff away. I will keep it for a while until some time has passed.

Leo at 1 month.

Ellis at 1 month.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011


The last few nights I've been tying to get Oscar to settle in his own bed. The first night which was Monday worked out really really well. He had a bath with the big boys, had a big feed after story time then went in his crib for the first time and stayed there! He didn't wake for ages and I fed him around 10ish and then just before midnight and on both occasions he went back down in his bed.

Then last night I tried to do a similar thing but it just didn't work out. He didn't end up being settled in bed until 10pm and then tonight he had a bath with his big brothers, had a feed and I tried to put him down but he wasn't having any of it. 2 nappy changes and 2 feeds later I eventually got him in bed at nearly 10pm! I had been trying from 7:15pm! I did manage to have a shower and wash my hair but I could hear him crying the whole time.

Sara the health visitor came yesterday. She is really nice and I've seen her loads of times before with Leo. We went through lots of leaflets and information and answered loads of questions about health etc. Oscar was weighed and he was 9lb 7oz which is following along the 75 centile line, pretty much the same as Ellis.

Sara mentioned that if I get very heavy discharge, stringy discharge or lots of blood/clots that I could have an infection. Well as it happens I've started to get stringy discharge so I'll ring her tomorrow just to double check that is what she said.

We talked a lot about feeding and about how Oscar is very colicky and has green poo because of it. He does cry a lot and I've started him on Infacol to see if that will help.

We won't be seeing Sara now for another 2 weeks but it will be a home visit which is nice.

Rob went to register Oscar yesterday afternoon so it is now official, yay!

Can't believe how quickly baba is growing. He is in size 2 nappies now and will shortly be wearing 0-3 month clothes. I really will need to buy clothes for him though as he is totally out of season with the clothes I used for the older boys. All the newborn outfits I have are short sleeved, short legged rompers and short dungarees and little t-shirts. Really not warm enough for a newborn so he is living in grows which to be honest is just the easiest thing anyway.

I've already started to get sad about getting rid of all my baby/maternity stuff. I will have to do it one day but I just can't let go yet, so I won't. I can bag/box it up and get rid when I'm sure we have finished, in about 10 years from now!

Blogging progress is still very slow but I feel like I have to do these little updates before I forget it all! I have notes for the first week or so of Oscar's life so I can do that any time.

Going to phone the car insurers tomorrow to see if they will let me drive. Fingers crossed. Think Rob is going back to work Monday so I will need to start lifting Leo soon. He isn't too heavy though so shouldn't be too bad.

Late night again but if I want to get anything done then that's just how it will have to be.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Monday, 4 April 2011


I really am trying to do blogging but it would seem that my evenings are going to be taken up with feeding, burping and changing. I can't type one handed so I'm just going to have to try and do some during the day, hence this entry which I'm manically trying to type out while Oscar is sleeping, Ellis is watching TV and Leo is in hospital with Daddy. Long story which will eventually be told.

So just to catch up, things are still manic at home. I'm recovering well but I have been over doing it recently and I'm achy and sore by the evening. I keep forgetting that I am recovering from surgery.

The health visitor phoned to arrange an appointment but then I had a further call a few days later to say that they had to rearrange it and it isn't until tomorrow now so I haven't seen anyone for ages now! I have no idea how heavy Oscar is.

So yes, he now has a name. Oscar Wallace, and we will be registering him tomorrow afternoon. I didn't force the issue with Rob, I just asked him to consider it and he said that I could have it. The middle name became an issue again but Rob eventually got bored of thinking about names so agreed Wallace too. I said if we have another baby, he can name it, unless it's a girl then I must have a say.

I'm working on my birth story and subsequent days in hospital but it's slow going and the entries are going to be massive!

I'm still rather large, 13st 2lbs yesterday and my normal weight is around 11st 7lbs so have a long way to go yet.

I managed to get my size 12 jeans on on Saturday. I really couldn't breathe, bend or sit down though and they wouldn't be comfortable to wear for a long time but it was a nice boost for me. That being said, my eating is terrible! I can't stop eating chocolate and cake etc. It's really not like me.

My hair hasn't started to fall out yet which is great and my bleeding stopped a couple of weeks ago which was really early I thought.

The scar is looking quite good. There is one area that hasn't healed yet but it's getting there. My belly is minging though and always will be.

I've put my wedding ring back on but it is still rather tight. Engagement ring will definitely not fit for a while yet. I'm not ready to diet or watch my eating. I just have too much on my mind to worry about it.

Rob went back to work, just for Thursday and Friday morning and my Mum came over to stay with us to help out, because I still can't lift Leo and I can't drive. It was great to have her here.

I slept on the sofa the night Mum was here. It actually worked really well as I didn't have to get in and out of bed to reach Oscar and I was really comfortable. I tried it Saturday night too but it don't go very well at all. Oscar just ate and ate and ate and wouldn't settle, not even on me. I think he may have been trying to increase my milk supply as I had none left on the night time but I have noticed that yesterday and today my boobs seem fuller. They will hopefully die down a bit soon.

Oscar is a very very windy baby and so I decided to give Infacol a go. It may do nothing but it makes me feel better that I'm doing something. He is screaming now because of wind and it makes things very tricky as in between feeds he doesn't really sleep soundly for any amount of time. It's still early days I know and I'm sure things will improve. You really do forget how hard the early days are.

Just having a newborn baby would be hard on it's own but we have Ellis and Leo too. The pressure has really been put on us recently with me having the section, Rob being ill, Leo and Ellis were ill then they got better, then when Mum was staying with me Ellis hurt his ankle and had to go to A&E then Leo fell from his stool and hit his head then started to be sick, so he went to A&E and has since been sick again so has gone back to A&E today! It all happens at once! Ellis is still limping away and running with his foot turned in, Rob is still at A&E as I type this but should shortly be coming home, I'm sore and achy from doing too much yesterday and today and Rob is struggling too. We seem to be quite up beat though considering everything.

I'm really not looking forward to Rob going back to work. It's going to be hard.