Wednesday, 6 April 2011


The last few nights I've been tying to get Oscar to settle in his own bed. The first night which was Monday worked out really really well. He had a bath with the big boys, had a big feed after story time then went in his crib for the first time and stayed there! He didn't wake for ages and I fed him around 10ish and then just before midnight and on both occasions he went back down in his bed.

Then last night I tried to do a similar thing but it just didn't work out. He didn't end up being settled in bed until 10pm and then tonight he had a bath with his big brothers, had a feed and I tried to put him down but he wasn't having any of it. 2 nappy changes and 2 feeds later I eventually got him in bed at nearly 10pm! I had been trying from 7:15pm! I did manage to have a shower and wash my hair but I could hear him crying the whole time.

Sara the health visitor came yesterday. She is really nice and I've seen her loads of times before with Leo. We went through lots of leaflets and information and answered loads of questions about health etc. Oscar was weighed and he was 9lb 7oz which is following along the 75 centile line, pretty much the same as Ellis.

Sara mentioned that if I get very heavy discharge, stringy discharge or lots of blood/clots that I could have an infection. Well as it happens I've started to get stringy discharge so I'll ring her tomorrow just to double check that is what she said.

We talked a lot about feeding and about how Oscar is very colicky and has green poo because of it. He does cry a lot and I've started him on Infacol to see if that will help.

We won't be seeing Sara now for another 2 weeks but it will be a home visit which is nice.

Rob went to register Oscar yesterday afternoon so it is now official, yay!

Can't believe how quickly baba is growing. He is in size 2 nappies now and will shortly be wearing 0-3 month clothes. I really will need to buy clothes for him though as he is totally out of season with the clothes I used for the older boys. All the newborn outfits I have are short sleeved, short legged rompers and short dungarees and little t-shirts. Really not warm enough for a newborn so he is living in grows which to be honest is just the easiest thing anyway.

I've already started to get sad about getting rid of all my baby/maternity stuff. I will have to do it one day but I just can't let go yet, so I won't. I can bag/box it up and get rid when I'm sure we have finished, in about 10 years from now!

Blogging progress is still very slow but I feel like I have to do these little updates before I forget it all! I have notes for the first week or so of Oscar's life so I can do that any time.

Going to phone the car insurers tomorrow to see if they will let me drive. Fingers crossed. Think Rob is going back to work Monday so I will need to start lifting Leo soon. He isn't too heavy though so shouldn't be too bad.

Late night again but if I want to get anything done then that's just how it will have to be.

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