Monday, 25 April 2011


Oscar has been a really good boy today, which makes a change from last night when he was just really pissy for some reason.

He went to sleep quite late last night but only fed at 2am and not at 5am so when we got up at 7am, my boobs were full and sore. I knew I had to express a bit if I was to get any comfort so I hand expressed directly into a sterile bag which didn't work that well but I managed to get 3fl oz while being harassed by Leo.

Oscar fed and slept really well today which was nice and I was able to get a few things done.

He did sleep in bed with me all night last night though as I couldn't get him to settle not even in his chair.

I was just looking back at some old pictures and videos of Leo. Oscar and Leo look so alike. Leo was given a bottle at the same time as Oscar and it was 3fl oz too so that must just be the amount I can express at the moment. I hope to find time to express more and build up a supply so that I can go out in the evening and leave Oscar at home.

So this afternoon Rob gave Oscar a bottle for the first time. Half way through Ellis grabbed the bottle and decided to have a go. He did it really well and it was lush to watch. In the video he says about milk comes from boobies and cows. The milk in the bottle came from Mummy's boobies. So cute,but I put my finger over the microphone so you can't actually hear it.

He had a nice long feed from 7 - 8pm and then I put him in his bed wide awake. I expected him to scream for me a few minutes later but he didn't and it is now 23:13pm and he is still asleep!

My boob is full now though so hope he wakes for a feed soon.

Off for shower and bed now as I'm shattered.

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