Tuesday, 8 March 2011


Went to see the midwife today and discussed through my options. I've decided against going for a vaginal breech delivery if his feet are first as too many risky factors, one being the cord, and the other being previous section. If he is bum first however I may think about it.

If I have a c-section this time then if we were to have another she said she is pretty certain that I would struggle to find someone who would let me try for a vaginal birth. That is a long way off, if ever but has to be considered.

BP, urine, measurements, baby's heart rate etc were all fine but I'm sure from the look on her face that she isn't sure where the baby is lying. Thank God for scans!

If the scan on Thursday shows no cord around the neck I may ask if they can do an ECV but I might just not bother and resign myself to a section. To be honest, this evening I've been packing my bags and getting everything ready like I am having one anyway and that is what I have been picturing in my head.

Still have so much to get ready but it isn't urgent. I want to make sure I have some clothes ready for Rob to bring in for me to come home in, need to wrap present to boys from Nugget, need to make packed lunches for Thursday and make sure I remember to take out Ellis' car seat so Sharon can take him to his swimming lesson. I also need to remember to take the pre op medication and not to eat or drink after either! I'm sure that is going to slip my mind.

This afternoon I went to Mum and Dad's house for a bit of TLC. Leo is quite hard to look after while there but he wasn't too bad today. He sat munching in the high chair quite a lot and enjoys playing on the ipad which is cute to watch. Ellis didn't stay asleep in the car but remained in front of the TV or ipad and was really good.

I'm still feeling really full of cold and I can't clear my sinuses. Coughing is an issue too. If I try to stop it it makes it worse but if I just cough then that is bad enough. I really hope that one more day of recovering will help it to go as I'm really worried about blowing out stitches by coughing!

Been treating my pile with no success and it hurts like hell. Going to be the least of my worries in a couple of days though.

I was sat next to Ellis this afternoon and I had a few period type pains and I went to the loo to find a bit of a show. So I've lost some of my mucus plug today, nice! Then for the rest of the afternoon I couldn't stop going for a wee! I went loads, very strange as I only had 2 cups of tea and a pint of water all afternoon.

I had a bath this evening, shaved again, sorted out the washing, put some clothes away, put some more stuff in my hospital bag which I still think isn't finished but will have to do, and I was going to do loads more but I'm in bed now.

Nugget really wiggles about at this time of night. Going to be a nocturnal baby I think. With is feet kicking my bladder and lower though I worry that he might rupture the membranes and we would then have to rush in for an emergency c-section and I doubt Rob would make it back in time which would be really sad.

Shattered now, going to try and get some sleep and hopefully nothing will start during the night as I have lots to get organised tomorrow.

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