At 3am a midwife finally came to take Baba away for some cuddles in the office so that I could get some sleep, which I did.
I was woken just before 6am to feed Baba and to have my pain medication, catheter removed and the usual checks of temperature and blood pressure.

The first day that you are on the ward, your breakfast is brought to you so I ordered some corn flakes and a cuppa and did my first video diary.
After my breakfast I fed Baba and put him back down and did a video of him grunting.
I managed to make it to the loo. It was very strange getting out of bed and walking and I felt very weak and stiff but I did it. I changed my pad and tried really really hard to wee into a jug but I just couldn't get comfortable. You have to pee into a jug for 3 wees as they have to measure your fluid output after having had a catheter in. I was drinking loads and was a bit worried about popping as I didn't seem to be able to feel the need to wee. The midwife said not to worry as long as I wee by lunch time. If I don't then a catheter would have to be put back in!
A doctor came by and checked my wound and said that I wouldn't be able to have a VBAC delivery ever again and that I would have to have a c-section if we were to have any more children.
The midwife ordered a blood test for me as I was looking rather pale and feeling a bit light headed so they wanted to check my iron levels.
Mr Grant came by too and checked my wound and tummy and discussed about having a follow up appointment but then decided against it as he couldn't see any point to it. Either the stitching of my tummy muscles had worked or it hadn't. He said hello to Baba and held his hand for a bit and I told him to have a cuddle but he wouldn't.

I saw my delivery midwife Ricky for a bit and my midwife that delivered Leo came down with a girl who ended up in the bed next to me. I didn't get to talk to her though as my curtain was a bit shut and I couldn't get up to open it.
I talked to Rob a lot via messages on my phone and we sent pictures back and forth which was really nice. He took Leo to his Sing & Sign class and I just kept trying to wee which I managed to do at 11am. Phew!
The Bounty lady came and passed out the packs which I think are a load of rubbish really. It just lots of leaflets a few vouchers and a couple of free samples.
I got my stuff ready for a shower and then the paediatrician came to look at Baba. Her name was Wynn and she checked him all over, mentioned the rash but said it was fine, gave me a leaflet about the hip scan that he will have to have as he was breech and she said she may get her boss to check him with regards to the grunting. It could mean a possible blood test.
I was then surprised by a visit from Rob and Leo! It was ace to see them. I was talking to the physio as they came around the side of my curtain. Leo was in the buggy this time which was great and he was so sleepy as he hadn't had his nap yet.
Rob had cuddles with Baba while Leo was chilling in the buggy but within a few minutes the doctors came to take Baba to the NICU for some tests. I felt bad for Rob as he had barely had any time with his new son.
Baba was going to have some blood taken, a chest x-ray and would have a cannula fitted when he got back. That meant that we were going to be in hospital for at least another 3 days. I was not happy as I didn't want Baba to go through what Leo did but it looked like it was going to happen.
As Leo was sleepy we tried to get him to have some nice quiet cuddles with me but he didn't want to stay on the bed and soon woke up! So we went down to the day room for a cuppa and a chat. We watched the TV about what was happening in Japan and Leo just played with a tray.
Because I had done a big wee I was allowed to have my cannula removed which was great but my bladder was still feeling rather funny from having a catheter in.
They didn't stay much longer as they needed to get back for lunch and nap time before picking Ellis up from school.
I had a little snooze and some more pain medication while I waited for my baby to be returned.
They brought him back to me about 2pm and he was very pale and floppy as his blood sugar levels were low. I was instructed to get as much food in to him as possible to perk him up so that he could go back to the NICU for a chest x-ray.
His rash was really bad and he had a cannula in on the bend of his wrist which clearly hurt him but I did try and feed him. He really wasn't all that interested but I managed to get some in.
I sent Rob a picture of our little guy not looking too great.
They took him back to the NICU for the x-ray and when he came back he had a probe on his foot too!
While he was away I managed to have a shower where I saw some blood which I thought was coming from my wound. The midwife checked it and said that there was a bit of a clot in the middle and that they would re-dress it for now and keep an eye on it.
I saw one of my friends from my active birthing class who wasn't even due yet but had had her little boy, Adam, at 36 weeks. He was having a few troubles so was in the Intensive Care Unit being looked after. We talked through our birth stories and then Baba was returned to me.
The paediatrician came to see me and said there was nothing alarming in his blood work but his CRP was slightly raised indicating an infection of some sort, somewhere and that a 3 day course of antibiotics were required, maybe 5 days but she would speak to the registrar and find out.
I spent the rest of the afternoon chilling out on my bed feeding loads and having regular checks done on me and baby.
I did some video diaries too.
My visitors that evening were Nanny and Grandad George. We sat in the day room just chatting, having cuddles, opening cards and presents and taking pictures.

My Mum was really worried about me so had popped up just to check I was okay. I had a quick chat with her and Dad before visiting hours were finished. They are very strict on the visiting, a lot more than they were when I was in with Leo.
I fed some more and then changed my first nappy! As I couldn't get out of bed very easily and he had been with the doctors most of the day I hadn't had to change any nappies yet. It was very strange changing such a little bum again.

I wrote up my notes for my diary then tried to get some sleep.
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