I really want to blog but finding a slot of time to put some thought and effort into it is in short supply. Nugget doesn't seem to settle that well in the evenings and just wants cuddles or feeds.
Things are going okay. It's great having Rob home and I have no idea how it will all work out once he is back to work but that won't be for a bit yet.
I'm still rather sore on my right side and whenever I go for a wee I have lots of stinging inside. Can't really explain it but it isn't very comfortable. I haven't complained too much though and I haven't taken any pain killers either.
The boys are still being amazing with him. Leo is getting more gentle and just loves to give him a kiss and cuddle. Ellis likes to soothe him by rubbing his belly and holding his head. It's very sweet. I also love that they don't seem overly bothered by him either. It's like he has always been here, even though it isn't even 2 weeks yet!
His cord fell off last Thursday night when he was a week old. It is a bit bloody, crusty etc but the midwife said it was fine. Think it is going to be an inny.
Baba doesn't really have a sleeping pattern although he is much more settled during the day than at night. He has been sleeping in his blue chair inside the crib which works better I think. Last night was a terrible night. He had trapped wind or something so I ended up feeding him lying down and he stayed in bed with us all night. I "slept" in the most awkward position and was constantly worried about him being smothered or squashed! Hope tonight is different.
The biggest and hardest issue right now is his name. I have my heart set on something and I love it but Rob hates it and won't back down. I've really tried to be open minded about other names etc and came up with another name but that was shot down too. To me, he is Oscar Wallace George. I've been thinking it for a long time, before he was born, and he looks like an Oscar, it goes well with Ellis, Leo and George and it's a bit different but not crazy like our other names and basically I love it. I'm gutted that Rob doesn't agree and I'm trying hard to put it out of my head and concentrate on finding something else but after looking though the name book again and going online, I'm still not happy with any.
Today Rob read through a list of names and I had to pick out names I liked. I picked a few but they weren't really what I wanted. Oscar, Max, Bailey, Oliver, Stanley. Oscar first choice obviously, second Max but even that isn't what I would like, Bailey is okay, Stanley makes me laugh every time I say it so don't think that is a goer and Oliver is a nice name but not one I want. HELP!!!!!!! Rob is really trying to come up with other possibilities but I can't budge. I feel sick and want to cry about it! How pathetic! But it's something so important. We both have to be happy with it and it just isn't working out. One of us will have to give in and I'm pretty sure it will have to be me this time. Gutted.
I want to start work on my birthing story but finding time in the evenings, between feeds, winding, changing, showering, tiding up etc I'm not left with a lot of time. I have time but in short bursts which isn't great for writing as I would lose my place. Also I am sat in front of the computer when feeding but it means I have to do everything one handed which is a nightmare! Especially when it's only my left hand free. I will get there in the end.
I've been discharged from the midwife already and should get a visit from the health visitor at some point. My midwife Judith is on holiday so a lady called Sue came over. The first time she was here she just asked a few questions, wrote a few things down in my notes and that was it. She called me on the Thursday after for a chat and I just told her that I was concerned about a couple of things with my tummy pain etc so she said someone would come and see me on Friday. Stayed in all day Friday and nobody came. Bit rubbish. She called me on Monday and sort of apologised and then came out in the afternoon. She checked my scar and said it looked good and that if I was having pain at my 6 week check that I was to tell my GP then. She had a look at Baba's cord and said it was fine and weighed him. He is near enough back to his birth weight of 8lb 3oz.
My baby bump is going down. Was going to take pictures but I'm not sure now. I weighed the day I got home from the hospital and I was 13st 13lbs! I weighed again a few days later and I was down to 13st 5lbs already. I'm eating well although craving bad food and I'm obviously quite busy so I'm hoping the baby weight will come off quite quickly this time. I'm not worried about it though. Might do going down measurements too yet, I'm undecided.
I forgot how much of a roller-coaster ride it is at the beginning. I'm up then down, all around and back again and in one day too! Rob is dealing with it quite well although I've asked him to be a bit more fluffy with me. Not sure he can but he will give it a go.
I tried to put some maternity clothes in a bag for the charity shop tonight but was unable to do it. I ended up just hanging it all back up as I was feeling sad that I might never wear them again. I can't keep having babies, for lots and lots of reasons but I'm not ready yet to close the door on that chapter of my life. It has been such a huge part of my life for the past 4 and a bit years. Will I ever be able to let it go? Not sure on that.
Baba is calling, got to go!