Monday, 25 October 2010


The baby measures about 6.5 inches/ 16.5 centimetres from crown to rump and is steadily gaining weight. A whitish coat of a slick, fatty substance called vernix caseosa begins to cover the baby and protects the skin during its long immersion in amniotic fluid. It also eases delivery. The baby's swallowing more this week, good practice for the digestive system. After your baby takes in amniotic fluid, its body absorbs the water in the liquid and moves the rest into the large bowel.

Here are the 20 week bump pictures and measurements.




Weight = 12st 9lb (+14lbs) - WHAT!
Tummy = 96cm (+2.5cm)
Upper arm = 29cm
Upper leg = 63cm (+2cm)
Ankle = 24cm (+.5cm)
Neck = 33cm (+.5cm)

I'm not too keen on doing the measurements, but I've started so I'll finish.

One think I love about my growing size are my boobs! I want to keep them please. They are full and actually have some shape to them. Please stay boobs.

I did a video diary for a change. It's about 8 minutes long but I talk constantly so it passes quite quickly.

Saturday, 23 October 2010


Nugget has been kicking me loads today which has been lush and I've tried to stop what I'm doing and just enjoy it for a bit. Certainly makes it more real to know there is a little thing in there wriggling and kicking about.

As of today, we have decided not to find out the sex of our baby. I know I will find it very hard but I'm actually very excited to find out what it is after going through the hard work of giving birth. I'm still reasonably high risk for having a normal delivery so if for any reason I need to have a c-section again, finding out what we have after might soften the blow a bit. I know I am thinking way ahead! I will buy a girl going home outfit though, just in case. ;o)

Nic had her baby boy, Harry James, 8lb 14oz in the early hours of Thursday morning. She was due to go into hospital to be induced on the Thursday so luckily she missed that. He is so cute.

Loving being pregnant and so far so good. Don't want to jinx it too much.

Seeing as I've decided what I'm doing re finding out the sex, I have now changed the poll question to what do you think we are going to have? Please vote.

Feeling tired quite a bit but the boys are waking up early, before 6am which is always a killer to see 5 something on my phone.

The new car has now gone. The garage wouldn't pay for the repairs so they asked for the car back in the end. Rob drove up this morning and got the train back. It's a bit of a shame as we are now back to car hunting. BOO!

Hopefully we will find something soon as it tends to make Rob rather unsettled. He just can't stop thinking about it, surfing about it etc.. I'm not that worried. We have plenty of time before we actually need a bigger car, so I can wait.

Not long until the 20 week scan. Can't wait to see Nugget again. Hopefully all will be okay and then it will just be trying to enjoy it until D day. Exciting stuff.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010


Just rubbed across my belly, around my belly button area and had a horrible stinging pain. Bit scared to touch it again, or move! I know it's to do with my stomach muscle issue, I just hope it goes away.

Not feeling too happy about that but loving feeling Nugget move under the stinging.


My right nipple was stinging like crazy yesterday and so itchy! Growing time again I expect.

Still not feeling too much movement but there is some which is nice. I think I'm just too busy to notice sometimes.

The new car arrived yesterday and unfortunately after some proper checks today it was found to not be road worthy so I can't drive it yet and we are waiting to see if the repairs will be paid for by the company we bought it from. It's a shame really as it would just be nice for something to run smoothly for a change. My negative attitude about some things comes from situations like these. I have a few others in mind that make me distrusting and negative but this isn't what this blog is for.

Just sat here typing this out when I had a very funny sensation like I was going to faint. I had them before in Leo's pregnancy and I always thought it was low sugar levels but it can't be that. I've just eaten and I've been eating and drinking quite well for a few days now. Weird. I am feeling very hot and flushed though so maybe it's that.

Feeling rather drained and tired, might watch something light like Glee and go to bed early.

Monday, 18 October 2010


OMG! 19 weeks gone already, I am in my 20th week! It's really starting to sink in now especially as Nugget is making itself known by kicking and wriggling. I've almost been like a first time Mum trying to feel the movement this time, and it started much later than with the boys so I have actually been really worried about it.

I went out with my AB girls from my Leo pregnancy and I was sure I was feeling it move on the Thursday evening, then on Saturday 16th I was sat on the computer and I had a proper kick. I quickly led on the floor and asked Rob if he wanted to try and feel too, which he did. Within seconds of him putting his hand on my bump he felt it too. It was lush and a huge relief too. I have been feeling little bits of movement every day now but nothing major yet.

Bump is growing steadily. I'm still wearing my size 12 jeans, done up which is amazing but I don't think it will last much longer. I've been very lucky too to have been lent some maternity clothes from Sharon and Sally so I have tons of choice. Just need to get some comfy bottoms now and a jumper or two, oh and a swimming costume.

This time around I thought that as my skin has been stretched past its limit with the 2 previous pregnancies that I wouldn't get any more stretch marks. Well I think I may get some more as the old ones are going pinky again already! I hate it! No amount of cream or oil will stop it from happening but I will try it anyway just for my own peace of mind. I don't think I will be getting bump out this time as it's not nice.

Yesterday I spent the afternoon sorting through the baby clothes that have been in bags in our room since we moved. I have plenty of newborn white vests and grows and 0-3 months actually but no unisex items apart from one cardigan. So if Nugget is a girl (highly unlikely) then I would certainly be doing some shopping. Online shopping though as can't even begin to think about getting 3 kids out the door to go shopping.

New car arrives tomorrow which is really exciting and I have ordered the next size up car seat for Ellis which is scary really as he is growing up so fast.

Other than being continually covered in spots, I'm feeling fine. So much so that I keep forgetting I'm pregnant. I can still lie on my front too.

We still haven't decided if we are going to find out the sex or not yet. Rob doesn't mind so it's up to me to make the decision. Deep down I think I will find out as I'm impatient and I want to get organised, start bonding and sorting a name out. I like a girl and boy name at the moment but Rob isn't too keen on either. It will work out I'm sure.

Thursday, 7 October 2010


I have to rewind slightly as I realised I haven't posted the video of when we heard the heartbeat.

The appointment was on Friday 30th September and Leo, Ellis and Rob came along too. It was really nice being there as a family.

I had my blood pressure done and I was told that I didn't need to give any blood as I had had an Oscar scan so the blood screening wasn't necessary. Then I laid on the bed and after a few seconds we heard the little squishy noise of Nugget's heart.

Last night I'm pretty sure I felt some movement. It was more like a kick actually but I haven't felt anything yet today. Rubbish!

Went to my physio appointment yesterday. She was really pleased with my muscle tone and said they were very strong but that the split in my tummy muscles would happen again and that we just needed to keep an eye on it. I have my exercises to do and for now I don't have to wear my stretchy bandage. If I have any pain I have to put it on and book an earlier appointment. My next appointment is the end of November when I am 25 weeks. By then my uterus will be pushing up past my belly button which is where the stretch is measured from. She was quite pleased though which made me happy.

Okay then so here are the 16 week bump picture. Take into account that Ellis took the bump picture this time.

I have also put my current measurements and what I was last time. The "from Leo" means an increase or decrease from the same stage as Leo pregnancy.

This time...

Weight = 12st 4lbs (+8lbs from Leo) (+9lbs this pregnancy) SHIT!
Tummy = 93.5cm (+2.5cm from Leo)
Upper arm = 29cm (+2cm from Leo)
Upper leg = 61cm (+2cm from Leo)
Ankle = 24cm (.5cm from Leo)
Neck = 34cm (1.5cm from Leo

Leo Pregnancy...

Weight = 11st 10lb (+4lbs)
Tummy = 91cm (+6cm)
Upper arm = 27cm
Upper leg = 59cm (+2cm)
Ankle = 23.5cm
Neck = 32.5cm

I'm not worried about the increased measurements. My starting weight was a lot higher than second time around and I didn't control my eating for the first 4 months this time either so I'm not surprised. My appetite has diminished in recent days and I'm starting to eat healthier. Better late than never I suppose.

Hoping to feel more movements in the next few days. Will post an entry if I do.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010


I realised that I'm already falling behind on this blog. I wanted to post bump pictures and measurements but just haven't found the time and energy to do it.

Anyway, I don't feel pregnant at all. I haven't felt the baby move yet which I really don't like. I had felt both the boys by now so it's very frustrating as that is one of the best things about being pregnant and I feel like I'm being robbed of special moments. I sound ridiculous I know but I can blame it on my hormones which seem to be on overdrive at the moment according to hubby. Of course I know nothing about it as my body and mind is taken over.

I've had to move up to my big bras now. 34 FF! They don't fit that well though and the wire under my arm sticks in so think I should invest in a new, better fitting bra. I've also started to wear nursing bras to bed as they are much more comfy. I really am all Mumsy now.

Sharon brought over a bag of maternity tops for me which is great. I now have loads which is really nice to have a choice in the morning. I just need to get some bottoms. I want to get 2 pairs of jeans and some leggings. I'm just trying to wait until the last possible moment to get them but I feel like that time is fast approaching.

Will try and do pictures and measurements soon.