Saturday, 23 October 2010


Nugget has been kicking me loads today which has been lush and I've tried to stop what I'm doing and just enjoy it for a bit. Certainly makes it more real to know there is a little thing in there wriggling and kicking about.

As of today, we have decided not to find out the sex of our baby. I know I will find it very hard but I'm actually very excited to find out what it is after going through the hard work of giving birth. I'm still reasonably high risk for having a normal delivery so if for any reason I need to have a c-section again, finding out what we have after might soften the blow a bit. I know I am thinking way ahead! I will buy a girl going home outfit though, just in case. ;o)

Nic had her baby boy, Harry James, 8lb 14oz in the early hours of Thursday morning. She was due to go into hospital to be induced on the Thursday so luckily she missed that. He is so cute.

Loving being pregnant and so far so good. Don't want to jinx it too much.

Seeing as I've decided what I'm doing re finding out the sex, I have now changed the poll question to what do you think we are going to have? Please vote.

Feeling tired quite a bit but the boys are waking up early, before 6am which is always a killer to see 5 something on my phone.

The new car has now gone. The garage wouldn't pay for the repairs so they asked for the car back in the end. Rob drove up this morning and got the train back. It's a bit of a shame as we are now back to car hunting. BOO!

Hopefully we will find something soon as it tends to make Rob rather unsettled. He just can't stop thinking about it, surfing about it etc.. I'm not that worried. We have plenty of time before we actually need a bigger car, so I can wait.

Not long until the 20 week scan. Can't wait to see Nugget again. Hopefully all will be okay and then it will just be trying to enjoy it until D day. Exciting stuff.

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