Tuesday, 31 May 2011


Oz has been sleeping through quite a bit recently. He went from 9pm - 6:30am last night and is still sleeping now (9:33am) and the night before he went from 8pm to 4am so he pretty much cuts out the 2am feed already. The other 2 boys never did that at this stage. They may have slept through a couple of times but that was it. Just wish I went to bed a bit earlier to make the most of it.

Yesterday I tried giving him less drops of Colief. I don't know if it was just coincident or not but he didn't sleep very well and didn't poo either. We also stayed in all day too so that probably didn't help.

Need to go through the 3-6 month outfits now as the 0-3 trousers and sleeves are getting too short. Going to be a big boy! I'm quite sad about it really and finding it harder to decide on what to get rid of etc. If in doubt, it's going not staying!

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