Sunday, 8 May 2011


Stabbing pain in my left boob! Ouch! It started this morning. It just does it every now and then like electric shock shooting pains down my boob into my nipple. Nipple looks fine though and there is no redness or tender area. Will be calling the health visitor tomorrow to see what they suggest. I will also check Oscar's mouth as it could be thrush. I've looked on the internet and it could be a couple of different things but will be looking to get it sorted sooner rather than later.

Had a few troubles trying to get Oscar to go to bed tonight. He had loads of trapped wind which I could tell from his blue lips and huge farts! Poor baby has so much pain and it isn't his fault but very frustrating. He is so lush though. Through the screams he tries so hard to give me a smile. Anyway after lots of burps, farts and being sick on me I got fed up and put him in his crib. He cried out in short bursts but never actually cried properly so I left him. After about 20 minutes he went quiet. I checked on him and he had got himself to sleep. Rather good for an 8 week old.

He went swimming for the very first time today. We had to wake him up to do it though and so I think he was a bit shocked. It was quiet noisy and a bit too splashy for him and he cried a little bit but mainly I think he liked it. Really need to take him more often and Leo as he loves it! Oscar got out after about 10 minutes but that was long enough for him.

He is really filling out now and I will be interested to see how heavy he is on Tuesday. He is having his check up and jabs, poor beebs. Not looking forward to that but has to be done.

I've had a few comments recently that they think Oscar looks like me! I can't see it but you never know one of my kids might end up looking a bit like me. Well Ellis does a little bit at the moment.

Right that's my evening over. Feeling very tired and just hoping Oscar skips the 2am feed but have a feeling he wont.

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