Monday, 2 May 2011


Yesterday Oscar moved up to size 3 nappies! That kid is growing! He is so long and is growing out of the 0-3 month stuff rather quickly.

2 days ago I managed to put my engagement ring back on. It's nice having it back where it should be and Leo noticed it yesterday during a nappy change. I still can't get my eternity ring on but I have a lot of weight to lose yet.

Talking of weight, I'm really not trying to lose any. If anything I'm making things worse by just pigging out on shit! I can't help myself. Every day I feel minging where I can't find anything to wear and I don't want to go out and buy fat clothes to fit me for now as then I won't have any incentive to lose any weight. Mum keeps saying not to worry about it but I do. I know something in my head will just switch and I will find eating better, and less will just happen but it hasn't yet so I suppose I should just chill out about it.

Oscar is feeding well and I'm getting through the Colief quite quickly. Even though it is on prescription we had to buy another bottle today as Boots had ran out and its taken them more than a week to get any in! I hope they have some on Wednesday.

Had a bad night with Baba last night though. He had really bad wind and wouldn't settle at all so I was up a lot with him. Rob took him for me for a bit so I could get a bit of shut eye but Oscar was soon back asking for another feed.

Time is passing very quickly and I'm trying hard to soak up every moment I have with my boys. I love being a Mum and I love what I do. Yes its hard work and a bit monotonous sometimes but I wouldn't change it. I never thought I would have 3 children. I still don't quite believe it now. It's lush.

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