Tuesday, 31 May 2011



Tried a new evening routine tonight, didn't go that badly actually but need to start a touch earlier. I bathed Oscar at 6:30 while the other two were occupied in front of the computer, Leo was strapped into his high chair so I knew he was safe. It was nice for Oscar to have one on one Mummy time and to have a bath without being splashed or harassed.

I got him out and dressed then put the other two in, washed them and did their teeth and then sat on the loo feeding Oz. I brushed my teeth too as you have to multi task and make the most of your time.

Anyway, he wasn't that interested in feeding but did have some. I burped him and put him in bed. He was okay for a few minutes but then started moaning, not a lot though.

I got the other two out and thankfully they were really well behaved. I did have to keep begging them to be though. They sat lovely to have their hair dryed and Ellis dressed himself in the same time that I dressed Leo.

We then read two stories lead down in Ellis' bed. We were under the covers with me in the middle which worked well.

Oscar was still moaning but okay.

Put the other two to bed and had a shower. When I got out Oscar was asleep.

So at 7:40pm everyone was washed, in bed and asleep. So I thought I cracked it until Oz woke up 10 minutes later and he is now falling asleep feeding. :0( Ah well it was worth a try.

Random pictures I know.


Oz has been sleeping through quite a bit recently. He went from 9pm - 6:30am last night and is still sleeping now (9:33am) and the night before he went from 8pm to 4am so he pretty much cuts out the 2am feed already. The other 2 boys never did that at this stage. They may have slept through a couple of times but that was it. Just wish I went to bed a bit earlier to make the most of it.

Yesterday I tried giving him less drops of Colief. I don't know if it was just coincident or not but he didn't sleep very well and didn't poo either. We also stayed in all day too so that probably didn't help.

Need to go through the 3-6 month outfits now as the 0-3 trousers and sleeves are getting too short. Going to be a big boy! I'm quite sad about it really and finding it harder to decide on what to get rid of etc. If in doubt, it's going not staying!

Monday, 30 May 2011


Lost 1lb. 2lbs in total now. Rubbish!!!!

Tuesday, 24 May 2011


Well the first week of my diet didn't go too well. I ate fine after Monday but I only managed to lose 1lb! Not happy with that so trying to be extra careful with what I eat and making sure I stay active, not hard with 3 boys under 4!

Last Thursday I had my hair done. I had some dye put in it and some highlights and then she chopped away at it. It is still long and I can tie it up but I left it down for a whole week! I've never done that before.

In the last week a few things have happened. I've had my first proper chuckle out of Oscar and it is so cute! I will try and get it on video as it's just amazing when they first start laughing. He gets the hiccups quite quickly when he does.

I've also started to put him in a sleeping bag this week rather than the blankets as they are just a pain in the bum, plus you end up disturbing him every time you want to tuck him back in.

He has finally found his thumb properly now and I'm able to leave him in his chair and he settles himself to sleep. I also think it is helping him to go longer at night as last night he went from 9pm to 6:30am! Then he fed and went back to sleep until 8:30am. What a good boy. I know it won't last so I just enjoy it while it happens.

I've finally put him in 3-6 month grows and he is very quickly growing out of the 0-3 outfits. More clothes to sort out! I have bought him a few new outfits though.

We left Oscar with a baby sitter for the first time! I turned 32 on Thursday and wanted to go out for a meal. I was happy to take him and I assumed we were but Saskia said she didn't mind having him for us. It was so strange driving to the restaurant without him. Even stranger was eating, drinking and chatting without any distractions. I had a fab time. We had to rush a little bit at the end but I'm certainly not complaining. He was a good boy though and went from 10pm to 5:30am.

As for me, I'm feeling quite well. I feel on top of things at the moment and not too stressed out about anything, which is nice and refreshing. Oscar seems to have settled down recently and he isn't really any trouble apart from the evenings when trying to get him to bed but even that I'm not stressing about as in time it will sort itself out.

The debate of adding to the brood continues. I discuss it with friends but never with Rob as I don't want him to tell me a definite no. I'm still open to the idea and if he said yes to having another I don't know when I would want to do it. 1/2 of me says get it out the way, do the hard work early etc and then settle down, and the other half says give yourself a break for a bit and then decide. It's such a hard decision to make with only 5 months to decide really if I want a similar age gap as the first 3. Will approach the subject with Rob when Oscar is older.

As for Oscar, the name still doesn't sit right with me so I have started to call him Oz which I quite like and think suits him better.

Right off to get ready for a party and Oz is stirring for a feed anyway.

Friday, 20 May 2011


Time is going by so quickly it's scary! My little baba is just over 10 weeks old! He is growing really really well and I've had to wash the 3-6 month vests and grows today so that I can start using them as I don't like him in tight stuff. He is fitting 0-3 outfits at the moment.

Still having lots of trouble with trapped wind, tonight being particularly bad as it is 10pm and I'm still feeding and winding.

He is holding is head up quite well although a bit wobbly after a bit. He doesn't get tummy time enough but I can't wait to use the door bouncer.

Dribble!! Ellis was dribbly but Oscar is really bad. I'm going to order more bandanna bibs as they were ace. He has had a pretty nasty cold since Monday, really bunged up and coughing, not nice.

On the 15th I put him in a high chair for the first time. He sat there quite well for ages, it was so cute!

As for me, I've started to get spotty again and my hair is falling out. It isn't too bad at the moment and yesterday I had my hair highlighted and dyed and I'm really happy with it. I've been back on the pill a month now and I set my alarm to remind me to take it.

I started my diet Monday. I weighed in at 13st 4lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Monday is weighing day so I will post my weekly results. I'm not really restricting calories I'm just cutting down on quantity.

Mum and I went out last Saturday and bought a few items of clothing for me to keep me going until I lose a bit of weight.

Life is hard and hectic but fun and rewarding. I'm not struggling I don't think but some days are harder than others. It can be quite stressful and my mind never stops working as I try to remember the million and one things that I need to. I keep getting told to put my feet up and relax as much as I can, but as soon as you do that everything piles up and I make life that much harder for myself. No one else is going to do it and it's easier to keep on top of things then it is to start from scratch.

I love my babies so much!

Wednesday, 11 May 2011


What a horrid experience! We arrived at the surgery at about 2:50pm and the appointment was at 3:10pm. I found out that the jab appointment after the doctors appointment wasn't until 3:50pm and I asked if they could fit us in sooner as hanging around with 3 kids wasn't going to be easy. They said they would see what they could do after I had seen the doctor.

So we waited, and waited and waited and we weren't called for the doctor. Leo was bored, Ellis was bored, Oscar was stirring for his feed and I was feeling hot and frazzled. 30 minutes late we were called in with Leo screaming, Ellis needing the loo and fed up and Oscar already not happy. I was sweating!

Anyway, Oscar was checked over, weighed and measured. He was 12lbs 7oz and 61cm long which put him on the 91st centile line. She had to double check that I was holding his head in the right place as I don't think she thought he would be that long.

She said he was doing very well, then asked some questions that she was ticking off on a sheet and asked if I was bottle feeding, like she already knew the answer, but I said "no demand breast feeding" thank you very much. And yes I do want credit for it as it's bloody hard work! :o)

Ellis was touching stuff and playing under the table, which he hit his head on, Leo was screaming from the buggy still and Oscar was getting fed up although he did smile at the doctor.

We went back to the waiting room with me carrying Oscar, Leo in the buggy and Ellis running off out the front door thinking we were going.

I checked the clock and it was 3:50pm so knew we wouldn't be long and by the time I had sat down, the screen beeped to call us in.

We went in and I sat with Oscar on my lap and held his leg still. He was already crying before she stabbed him in the thigh so after the first one went in he screamed, turned red and held his breath. It was horrible as I knew there was another one to come. I turned him around and he had the exact same reaction. Poor baba.

I hurried us out the surgery and I had promised the boys I would take them to the park. Poor Oscar was crying and needing a feed but I had promised so we went to the park for a little while. Oscar went back to sleep in the buggy thankfully.

I got home gave the boys dinner, bathed them and then tried to put Oscar down. He wasn't having any of it and his poor leg was so sore. It was red and swollen and so tender. I ended up giving him some Calpol and after about 20 minutes of trying to soothe him, he went to sleep. I managed to see my friends a bit, who were over for a take away night, but I did have to go up a couple of times to see him.

Very hectic day. Lots more of them ahead I'm sure. I just need to stay chilled out about it or it will all get to me.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011


Not a good night last night. He woke at 1am, then 3am when I stuck my finger in his mouth and he eventually went back to sleep until 5am and then Leo was awake from 6:10am screaming Mummy as loud as he could. Then Oscar fed again at 6:30am and I got up just before 7 with the older boys. Oscar is still snoozing at the moment but will be awake before 9am.

Feeling rather achy and tired today. Hope I'm not coming down with something.

Will update later on how the doctors appointment went.

Monday, 9 May 2011


Only had 2 or 3 stinging moments today so didn't bother to call the health visitor. Oscar has his check up and jabs tomorrow so if I'm still getting it then I might mention it.

Not looking forward to holding him having his jabs done while Leo screams from the buggy that he wants to get down and Ellis is wandering around touching things he shouldn't!

Very proud of little baba tonight though as he settled himself to sleep again. I just put him up in his crib after a feed and good winding, I hear him kick about for a bit and then nothing. Such a good boy!

Sunday, 8 May 2011


Stabbing pain in my left boob! Ouch! It started this morning. It just does it every now and then like electric shock shooting pains down my boob into my nipple. Nipple looks fine though and there is no redness or tender area. Will be calling the health visitor tomorrow to see what they suggest. I will also check Oscar's mouth as it could be thrush. I've looked on the internet and it could be a couple of different things but will be looking to get it sorted sooner rather than later.

Had a few troubles trying to get Oscar to go to bed tonight. He had loads of trapped wind which I could tell from his blue lips and huge farts! Poor baby has so much pain and it isn't his fault but very frustrating. He is so lush though. Through the screams he tries so hard to give me a smile. Anyway after lots of burps, farts and being sick on me I got fed up and put him in his crib. He cried out in short bursts but never actually cried properly so I left him. After about 20 minutes he went quiet. I checked on him and he had got himself to sleep. Rather good for an 8 week old.

He went swimming for the very first time today. We had to wake him up to do it though and so I think he was a bit shocked. It was quiet noisy and a bit too splashy for him and he cried a little bit but mainly I think he liked it. Really need to take him more often and Leo as he loves it! Oscar got out after about 10 minutes but that was long enough for him.

He is really filling out now and I will be interested to see how heavy he is on Tuesday. He is having his check up and jabs, poor beebs. Not looking forward to that but has to be done.

I've had a few comments recently that they think Oscar looks like me! I can't see it but you never know one of my kids might end up looking a bit like me. Well Ellis does a little bit at the moment.

Right that's my evening over. Feeling very tired and just hoping Oscar skips the 2am feed but have a feeling he wont.

Thursday, 5 May 2011


Oscar is 8 weeks old already. I can't believe how the time is flying by. I don't want him to grow up yet! They really don't stay diddy for long. I'm really trying to make the most of it. Trying to enjoy all the feeding, cuddles and smiles.

The Colief is still working most of the time and nappies are still how they should be. He is definitely putting on weight and he should be weighed on Tuesday so we will know how much.

The last 2 nights he has dropped the 2am feed, going from about 9 ish to 4:30am! How fantastic is that! The night before last I put him up in his crib wide awake, heard him kick about for a while and then nothing. He went to sleep on his own. What a good boy! I don't expect it to last but I'm very happy that it has happened. I keep going to bed really late though which is a bit stupid. Its 23:06 now and I've just started a new entry.

I took loads of 8 week pictures which I will post but will just do one of each of the boys at the same age for now.

8 week pictures.




Blogging like mad!

Nothing much to report on Oscar. He is lush and fitting in very well. It's like he has always been here. The boys love him and are already very protective. It's lush and love I out big family.

Monday, 2 May 2011


Yesterday Oscar moved up to size 3 nappies! That kid is growing! He is so long and is growing out of the 0-3 month stuff rather quickly.

2 days ago I managed to put my engagement ring back on. It's nice having it back where it should be and Leo noticed it yesterday during a nappy change. I still can't get my eternity ring on but I have a lot of weight to lose yet.

Talking of weight, I'm really not trying to lose any. If anything I'm making things worse by just pigging out on shit! I can't help myself. Every day I feel minging where I can't find anything to wear and I don't want to go out and buy fat clothes to fit me for now as then I won't have any incentive to lose any weight. Mum keeps saying not to worry about it but I do. I know something in my head will just switch and I will find eating better, and less will just happen but it hasn't yet so I suppose I should just chill out about it.

Oscar is feeding well and I'm getting through the Colief quite quickly. Even though it is on prescription we had to buy another bottle today as Boots had ran out and its taken them more than a week to get any in! I hope they have some on Wednesday.

Had a bad night with Baba last night though. He had really bad wind and wouldn't settle at all so I was up a lot with him. Rob took him for me for a bit so I could get a bit of shut eye but Oscar was soon back asking for another feed.

Time is passing very quickly and I'm trying hard to soak up every moment I have with my boys. I love being a Mum and I love what I do. Yes its hard work and a bit monotonous sometimes but I wouldn't change it. I never thought I would have 3 children. I still don't quite believe it now. It's lush.