Sunday, 30 October 2011


Baba is in his new room tonight for the first time. He is nearly 8 months old! The other 2 moved just before 6 months old. As you can tell, I've had trouble letting go.

I fed him in there and when I was winding him, he had a really good look around, which was cute. He cried a bit when I put him in his bed but he soon went to sleep.

We have the webcam set up in there so I can see him quite clearly.

It was strange being able to go into our room after bedtime, and I was still a little nervous when turning the light on! :o)

I'm sure I will get used to it and hopefully in the next month or so, he will sleep through and I will start to get some better sleep. Leo still wakes, and I'm pretty sure he will for a while but he and Ellis have certainly settled down in their room together, which is nice.

Bittersweet is how I would describe how I feel right now.

Sunday, 23 October 2011


This blog has definitely had to take a back seat to everything else. It's really sad that I can't keep up with it, but that's life.

Speaking of life, it's great. I'm so loving being a Mummy to 3 gorgeous boys. As this is Oscar's blog, I will talk about him, and just give a general update.

He is doing amazingly well and is a big chunk of a boy. He is rather chubby but it's very cute. He wears 6-9 month clothes and 9-12 month vests and grows.

He is a very happy boy and is known as the smiley baby. He really is quite content most of the time but when he isn't, he certainly lets you know. He definitely has a temper and shouts at me all the time.

He has learnt how to kiss, which is the cutest thing, and has been practicing crawling on all 4s. He has done about 3 shuffles in a row so I don't think it will be long now before he is steaming across the room. He is currently doing the commando style the same way Leo did.

He is sitting up, and falls down, into a roll, so doesn't actually bump himself anymore.

He has 6 teeth and can drink really, really well from a sippy cup. I just gave it to him and he picked it straight up and sucked the water out. The other 2 took months, literally, to work that out.

The weaning is still hit and miss and he prefers fruit over vegetables. I really need to sort out some meals for him though. He is eating home cooked food 99% of the time but occasionally I've tried a packet, when I'm out and about. He doesn't like them though so I end up topping him up with milk.

I'm still feeding him myself about 6 small feeds a day, which is too many. It should be about 4 by now. At this stage with the other 2, I think (not too sure) they were having one to two bottles of formula a day. I would have to check that fact as I know I went away when Ellis was 8 months old and Rob had enough expressed milk to last him the weekend, so maybe I'm wrong about it.

I really can't wait to stop feeding. I want to burn my nursing bras and do a jig in my padded, underwired, t-shirt bra. I hate having my jewellery pulled, hair pulled, pinched, scratched, nibbled, bit, and prodded. I will miss that closeness, but that only happens at the quiet feeds at night. Talking of night, I haven't had a full nights sleep, since forever! It feels that way anyway. Leo wakes, every night, without fail, at least once and Oscar does too. I'm ashamed to admit though that he is still in our room, even though we moved Leo out of his room a few weeks ago now. I just can't bring myself to do it. It seems so final. I think he would sleep better though (wishful thinking) and I know I would enjoy having my room back, for sorting, using laptop in bed, having a read, maybe sex every blue moon! Bit too much information I'm sure.

I really need to get serious about getting my post baby body back into some sort of better shape. My gut is still huge and I still look pregnant! I'm still holding a lot of fat on my arse and thighs and they are need of some serious toning. First I need to lose the fat though. My weight has been going up and down a bit and I weighed the other day at 12st 2lbs but I'm sure I've gone up again since then. Curry and lager will do that. I can't stop eating either, snacking all day and still enjoying biscuits, cake, and chocolate. I never used to be like that. I keep putting the diet off until after I've stopped feeding.

I bit the bullet and started to sell everything. Well started to attempt to anyway. Everything is going. All maternity clothes, 99% of baby clothes, nursing pillow, birthing ball, bedding, steriliser, breast pump, car seat and travel system. I will keep the crib for a while but a friend is borrowing that anyway so I may change my mind. I've kept the play mat too so that friends with babies can put them on it when they come round. Poor excuse I know but I'm sticking with it. It's very sad, but most of it is rather used now anyway so new would be better if it was to happen again, which I really don't think it will. To deal with it, I haven't been thinking about it as a reality, more like it might happen one day. Eventually enough time will pass and things will change at home to stop me thinking about it. I'm so very lucky to have my 3 happy, healthy boys. I could burst sometimes when I look at them. It's such a lush feeling.

It's late again and I've got nothing done, apart from eBay some items so I'm off.

Sunday, 18 September 2011


OMG! Oscar bit me. I had a flap of skin and some blood. Not good at all. I'm nervously feeding him now and take him off as soon as he starts messing around. Feeding on the sore side makes my stomach go over and my toes curl. It stings like hell but I have to keep feeding on that side or my boob will end up sore again. That cleared up on its own by the way, I just kept feeding him on that side and it cleared out.

Thursday, 15 September 2011


Today Oscar pulled himself forward for the first time! Well, the first time I've seen him do it anyway. I tried to get it on video but with Leo potty training it was a bit disturbed.

He is also teething really badly with at least one top tooth nearly popping through. Poor little baba has a bright red cheek, lots of dribble and a bit grumpy at times.

The weaning is going amazingly well. He scoffs it all down and looks for more once it's all gone. I so hope he just eats everything I give him. I've really enjoyed it so far, I just hope I can stick it out with making all the food up. I have bought a few packets for when we are out and about to make it easier for everyone.

I thought the weaning would improve his trapped wind but he still struggles with it during the day as well as the evening. He is still sick a bit and now it's going to stain everything, especially the carrot one! Ellis took some pictures of him eating pear and baby rice today.

That's it for now. Trying to a few entries here and there. Will do monthly ones soon, so I keep saying anyway.

Saturday, 3 September 2011


Oscar is in his new bed tonight. We finally got round to buying him a cot bed, a bargain at £100 and it's really nice too. He napped really well in it today so just hoping he sleeps well in it tonight. Last night he had me up 3 times! I was up once with Leo, Ellis woke me up but Rob sorted, and I was up sending messages to Rob downstairs telling him to come to bed!

I bought a tooth brush for Oscar today and put toothpaste around his gums this evening for the first time. He didn't mind it one bit.

This afternoon I did loads of cooking for Oscar. I did really well, and I actually enjoyed doing it. I really want to do more but I've ran out of trays. Will bag up the new stuff tomorrow and hopefully do some more, if Rob doesn't mind watching the boys for a bit.

Recently I haven't been blogging and I really didn't appreciate how much time it took to do. The sorting of photos and videos, converting, uploading, editing, typing etc etc. I still haven't had a great chance to get back into yet and my TV watching stuff all starts again soon. I might do a blog and reward myself with one episode before bed. It's nearly 9pm and I need to hang out the wet washing and put a new load in. I can't be arsed though. Too tired after a very disturbed night.

Friday, 2 September 2011


Been having a few problems over the last few days. Oscar now has 2 teeth which came through a week ago now. He isn't biting me though which is good news but there is plenty of time yet.

The problem is a sore boob. It did have a red patch and I had a slightly raised temperature a couple of days ago but I've been taking paracetamol, drinking lots of fluids and trying to get Oscar to feed on that side. He really doesn't like it though and as soon as I put him on the other side he is fine. Milk must taste bad or something.

He is getting so big and really mobile. He rolls around the place and turns on his tummy and lifts his bum up and pushes up with his arms. When you hold his hands he pulls himself up to sitting position. He isn't any good at sitting yet but plenty of time for that.

He is in 6-9 month clothes although the grows are getting a bit tight on his feet now. He is in size 4 nappies and is doing rather gooey yellowy green poos. Not the best but he is a rather fussy eater at the moment.

Will try and uploads some recent videos and pictures soon.

Sunday, 21 August 2011


Finally today I changed a normal poo nappy from a baby that wasn't on Colief or Infacol. How amazing is that!? Oscar is less windy but still sicks up a little bit. He isn't in any type of routine but still has roughly 3 naps a day and that's all I can say really. I know at the same age, Leo and Ellis were both in a good routine and I knew what to do when but it just doesn't make sense to do that this time as Oscar needs to be more flexible as I have to drop off and pick up at various times etc.

Oscar is lush! I love him so much. He is such a cutie pie and screeches with joy most of the time.

I'm really gutted about the lack of blogging, especially when it comes to looking back over Oscar's early days as I haven't done much on here or my main blog. Rob said it was consuming me so I took a step back and already regret it. I want to get caught up now but other things keep getting in the way.

I'm still a fatty and I'm pretty sure the skin won't go back anyway but my not so healthy eating isn't helping that. What I need to do is some exercise and then once I start seeing a difference, the eating will follow.

Oscar is now in size 4 nappies which is much better and he easily fits 6-9 month clothes now. He is so dribbly but no teeth yet although I can see them just below the gums so not long now.

I've been having more success with expressing and Oscar is now taking a bottle. The only problem is timing it right and giving him the right amount. My milk is like liquid gold and in short supply so you can't just heat up 8fl oz only to give it to him and he falls asleep after 1oz! Not sure what to do about all that yet but at least we are trying and Rob did give him a bottle last night. He did wake though and I topped him up.

He his getting more mobile and at that stage where he rolls on to his tummy then gets fed up but can't work out how to roll back, even though he can and does sometimes. So I'm putting him in his chair a bit more now and he seems happier with that but I would rather he learned how to roll about better so I keep going with the tummy time.

Can't believe I'll have to start weaning in a few weeks. How on Earth am I going to fit cooking and batching up food into my timetable. The're aren't enough hours in the day as it is!

Bought a bed for Oscar this evening and I just have to sort out the mattress. Can't wait to put him in it. He really has outgrown the crib and generally sleeps in with me anyway. Not sure if I want to put him in his own room just yet though as night fees (well 5am feeds) are much easier led in my bed. Plus it would mean moving Leo into Ellis' room and I'm not sure when to do that as Ellis is starting school soon and I don't want him to have too much change all in one go. I have to give that some thought.

Going to really try and do some blogging. Fingers crossed.

Sunday, 24 July 2011


The last few nights have gone really well. He has been napping well and feeding well recently and is in bed by 8:30pm at the latest, which is great. We had a bit of trouble tonight but I know why.

He is teething and it is obviously causing him troubles as he is now starting to use me as a teether! Not good at all, so I have to keep unlatching him and I got fed up this evening after he made my nipple bleed so he didn't get a full feed. He had a lot of trapped wind, so after getting that up, I topped him up until he started biting again, then put him to bed where he stayed this time.

I think I may have to express and feed him with a bottle if that continues, which is what I did for Leo and Ellis at one point or another. It's only the evening feed I'll do with the bottle as during the day I would just take him off and top him up later on.

Got to go and do more wrapping of presents before going to bed. Think it might be a bit hot and sticky tonight.

Thursday, 21 July 2011


Spoke too soon. Little bugger is crying!


Oscar has been doing quite well going to bed the last few nights. I'm very proud of him. He is getting big! I have bought some 6-9 month outfits now and although they are slightly big on him, they aren't huge, if that makes sense.

Should be getting an early night but it's nearly 10pm and I'm still sat in front of the PC. Been a very busy, hot, sweaty, sticky, stressful day for me. Hoping to chill a bit tomorrow but not sure how I can.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011


I started Infacol again and I think it may be helping Oscar. Last night he went to sleep at 5pm and stirred at 7pm. I fed him again and he just pretty much stayed asleep so I put him back up at 8pm and he didn't wake until 4am for his next feed. He was wide awake though, smiling at me in the dark. I eventually fed him back to sleep and he woke at 8:30am. How brilliant!

Then this evening, so far, he fed at 7 for a little while and was sleepy so I put him to bed and he went to sleep. It's just gone 8 and he hasn't woken up yet but I'm not holding my breath. I hope this is a new pattern emerging!

I bought him some new clothes today. I love buying the boys clothes. I really do need to have a good sort out though and get rid of some stuff. There is nothing wrong with it though so I can't just get rid of it. I will probably try and do some bundles and put them on netmums.

Still trying to sort out the bed situation but I have to check the mattress in the garage. If that is okay then I'll just buy a cheap cot and use that until we put the older boys into proper beds.

Decisions, decisions!

Saturday, 16 July 2011


Been feeling a bit sick and having loads of period like cramps. Not very nice but I'm expecting my period to return soon. I've also had some niggly headaches which hasn't been nice. Probably just the pill messing with my hormones.

Right then, I realise that I have sort of abandoned this blog for quite a while now, and lots has happened since I last blogged properly.

I've been on a semi diet for a few weeks now and I'm down to 12st 10lb from 13st 4lbs. Not bad but I know I could better.

Had Oscar weighed on Tuesday and he was 4 months old. He weighed 15lbs 7oz and is still on the 50% line which is great seeing as I seem to be struggling with supply this time. I used to wake up in the morning with at least one full boob but today for example I woke up know that I had hardly any in each! I did express 4fl oz yesterday and Oscar was a bit niggly in the afternoon so I don't know if that had any effect. I need to drink more water and try to get some early nights. Leo is waking up a lot in the night at the moment which is taking its toll a little. Oscar wakes once usually but it can be twice before 6:30am which seems to be the new time the older boys want to get up. It is definitely Leo leading the way at the moment rather than Ellis.

My hair is falling out big time! It is everywhere! I really don't like it but I haven't noticed if I'm thinning out or not. I'm sure my hairdresser will tell me on Thursday.

I've stopped calling Oscar, Oz, already. Don't know why really, I suppose because I like Oscar better. The name thing really isn't an issue for me any more but I do wish we had just decided before he arrived. Never mind.

Oscar is sort of settling into some sort of pattern which is quite good, and the last 2 days or so, I've been putting him up in his crib when I think he is a bit sleepy. Today he went down without a squeak, which is huge progress.

We are still having issues with trapped wind etc, especially in the evening. I spoke to the health visitor about it this week and she said that when I start weaning it should settle down, but if it doesn't I would need to speak to the doctor. She said it could take up to a year though! This evening hasn't actually been too bad, but that is because I spent a lot of time just winding him. I was puked on 4 times and he did lots of smellies before I decided to put him up. He did grizzle for quite a while but it was a pissy cry not an upset cry if that makes sense and he soon got his thumb and went off to sleep. Leo on the other hand wouldn't go to sleep!

I'm trying to keep an eye on times of feeds. I know I'm demand feeding but I am trying to get him to go at least 3 hours between feeds. It has worked for the last few days but it's just remember when he last fed, along with everything else I have to remember.

He is on roughly 4 naps a day if you count the one first thing in the morning. He wakes around 5 usually for a feed, then can sleep up to 9:00am. Then he will nap again around 10:30am ish and then again at 1ish and he does like to sneek another one in around 4/5. Obviously this all depends on feeds, what we're doing etc.

He is still in size 3 nappies and I think he will be for a little longer but he is now wearing 6-9 month grows and a few items of clothing. I went to get the vests for him but they are all long sleeved so will have to buy some new vests.

I'm still really struggling with getting rid of things. I am getting rid of a lot but I'm also keeping a lot too. I'm pretty sure Rob is quite against having another baby but I can't bring myself to get rid of it all just yet. Obviously if we did have more we could buy new, but why when I have it already! It's still early days so will just keep some stuff for now.

Oscar had 3 jabs on Tuesday. He has been a bit crabby and not feeding very well but I think he has teeth coming soon so that might be an issue too. He so dribbly! He is just as bad as Ellis was. He gets soaked everyday and has a slight rash from being damp all the time. I really should be changing his bibs more often. No more jabs now until he is 13 months old.

He is able to reach out and grab things now, and holds stuff and shakes it. He seems to have progressed quite quickly with that and he can now play a lot more. He loves his jungle mat thing.

He really is on the move too. He rolls to one side, then flops back in a different position and can do a 360 on his mat. I woke up in the night a few nights ago to find he had done a 90 degree turn away from me! Luckily we were in the middle of the bed so he didn't fall off but he could have done. I've started to feed him then putting him back in his crib. It is a bigger disturbance but safer.

At 16 weeks old, Oscar rolled over! It was so cute! I just put him on his tummy, he looked up at me and flopped over. I did clap but he didn't like that and started to cry. I know I have blogged about this already but here is the video of him doing a few more times over the next few days.

He is doing really well holding his head up, although tummy time doesn't always go as planned, and is getting stronger every day. He loves being pulled up onto his feet and sits, quite wobbly, on your lap.

This video done 1st June.

I've started using the Bumbo that we have and I recently bought a red one with play tray for £10 on netmums, bargain!

1st go in the Bumbo.

His hair is quite fair but golden too. I think he is going to be quite strawberry blonde but you can't really tell until it gets longer. It is really growing quite slow. Ellis has fast growing hair, Leo's is normal and Oscar's is slow.

He has lovely big blue eyes. They seem to twinkle at me and I love it. They sometimes shine big bright red discs which is a bit strange and I will get the doctor to check when I see her again.

He is filling out nicely and is quite a chubby chubster. He has puddy wrists and chunky thighs. I love it! Means my milk is doing what it should do.

His nails have just started to get a bit too long and I do try and bite them down when feeding but I'm finding it quite difficult for some reason. I don't want to attempt using scissors or clippers just yet. I'm never very good at doing that.

I'm pretty sure he did have chicken pox. He only had a few spots, 3 reasonably bad ones and a couple of others. He had it so mild though that the health visitor said he could get it again. Not good. It didn't seem to bother him which was great.

He is generally a really happy, easy going baby and you can tell straight away when he is having a bad day. If he didn't have trapped wind and stuff, he would be so easy! Love him so much. I give him tons of kisses and cuddles and constantly smell him.

I'm currently have a dilemma over some of the equipment we have. Very long story short, I'm considering changing car seats, buggies and beds. The beds issue wouldn't be an issue if our cot hadn't got damaged in the garage. I might just buy a new cot from Ikea and be done with it as we have a mattress ready to go. I'd better check the mattress first actually as if that is ruined I may as well just buy all new. Leo is in the cot bed at the moment and Ellis is in a double bed, which I love, so I can't decide what to do with them but Oscar is growing out of the crib pretty quickly because he is so long! I've put him in a 6-12 month sleeping bag tonight.

Speaking of buggies, recently I put Oscar in the seat at the back of the Phil and Teds buggy. It worked quite well I thought.

We went away recently and we got to do loads of swimming. Oscar loved it!

I'm just going back through the photos and videos so that I can post them on here. None of it is in date order but it's recorded anyway.

Found a video of Oscar and I having a chat.

Another 1st recorded, just because.

Last weekend we put Oscar in the door bouncer for the first time. I would have done it before but just never found the right time. It is quite a long video (3 minutes) and Ellis does a bit at the beginning so you might want to skip that.

I think I've covered enough. Will try and do shorter and more often. As if!

Loving being a Mummy to my 3 gorgeous boys.

Also just wanted to congratulate my friend Erin, who is expecting again! YAY! You can read her story here.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011


Think Oscar may have chicken pox. Not sure yet, just keeping an eye on him.

Thursday, 30 June 2011


Oscar rolled over from his front to his back today. I know, I know I have a lot to catch up on and I'm trying to make notes so that I can do it but this really needed a mention today.

He was in my Mum's living room on the mat for a while on his own. I went in to see him and he was sucking his thumb really sleepy. I should have just left him but he gave me one of his huge full mouth grins and I had to stop for a chat. I knew he hadn't fed for a while so I rolled him over onto his front and put him in front of the little mirror on his mat. He looked at it for a while and then ever so slowly lifted his head up more and rolled over right towards me. I did a quiet cheer and clap but he didn't like it and I'm very sure he didn't realise what he had just done. He was 16 weeks old today. 3 3 1/4 months.

Proud of my baba but don't want him to grow up too fast! Will try and get it on video although pretty sure he won't do it again for a while. I may be wrong though.

Leo has had chicken pox since last Wednesday but dealt with it really well. I'm just waiting for Oscar to get it. He had a nasty cold the same time as Leo but hasn't come out in any spots.

This week, I've started to wean him off Colief. He is on 3 drops per feed now. He feeds quite regularly, 5am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 5/6pm then is pretty much fed from 7:30 - 9:30pm! Something like that anyway. He obviously just likes little and often. He is very distracted at feeding times now and often stops to look around and I'm pretty sure he doesn't complete his feed.

He is still windy and has lots of reflux but it isn't as bad as it was.

He is a really smiley boy and he gets all shy and bites on his hands to hide his face. So sweet.

You can tell that he just really wants to be a good baby but the wind and reflux just don't let him sometimes. He is so straightforward at the moment, until the evening when I just don't know what the answer is just yet. I'm going to give him more time and speak to the healthvisitor in a couple of weeks.

Caroline and Andy had their baby boy today! I'm so happy for them and he is so cute! They named him Archie and he was 8lb 1oz.

I knew something was up when a message I sent yesterday didn't get answered so when I spoke to her this morning she said her waters had broken and she was having contractions. I don't know what happened but she ended up having a c-section again. I'm sure I will find out all the details in time. Can't wait to meet him, just hope I don't get too broody!

Tuesday, 14 June 2011


Oscar was weighed at 14lb 1oz today. He is 3 months and 4 days old, or 14 or 13 weeks 5 days old, however you want to look at it. He has actually slipped down on the weight chart to nearer the 50 centile line.

He is a really good boy during the day. His feeds have spaced out and he has less reflux which is great for everyone. He does the usual baby routine of feed, awake, sleep, awake, feed, awake, sleep as long as we haven't got too much on as that tends to mess it up, plus I lose track of what is to come next and I sometimes end up feeding him to sleep when really he isn't due a feed and that can then mess it all up.

My diet is just not happening. I'm really annoyed at myself because I know I can do it. Lots of people say I look great and that I don't need to diet or that I can't really yet because I'm feeding but I saw a couple of pictures of myself recently and I hated it. I know it is still early days but I'm eating like there is no tomorrow! I'm constantly craving sugar! I was never like that.

I will do a proper 3 month update with photos soon but I'm having huge issues with getting Oscar to bed at night. He does eventually settle at 9:30/10pm and sleeps through to 5/6am but it leaves me shattered and unable to blog in the evenings. I'm finding it very frustrating actually but I know it will get better.

I told the health visitor today about how our evenings are going and she said it sounds like he is cluster feeding. I had a look on the web tonight about it and found a good article which just sounds exactly like Oscar. You can read it here.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011


My friend Delia came over and took some newborn pictures of Oscar when he was about 7 days old. Here are the results. I love the first 3! Going to get at least one of them put on a canvas. Really wished I'd done it with the others now.

Cutie pie xxx

Tuesday, 31 May 2011



Tried a new evening routine tonight, didn't go that badly actually but need to start a touch earlier. I bathed Oscar at 6:30 while the other two were occupied in front of the computer, Leo was strapped into his high chair so I knew he was safe. It was nice for Oscar to have one on one Mummy time and to have a bath without being splashed or harassed.

I got him out and dressed then put the other two in, washed them and did their teeth and then sat on the loo feeding Oz. I brushed my teeth too as you have to multi task and make the most of your time.

Anyway, he wasn't that interested in feeding but did have some. I burped him and put him in bed. He was okay for a few minutes but then started moaning, not a lot though.

I got the other two out and thankfully they were really well behaved. I did have to keep begging them to be though. They sat lovely to have their hair dryed and Ellis dressed himself in the same time that I dressed Leo.

We then read two stories lead down in Ellis' bed. We were under the covers with me in the middle which worked well.

Oscar was still moaning but okay.

Put the other two to bed and had a shower. When I got out Oscar was asleep.

So at 7:40pm everyone was washed, in bed and asleep. So I thought I cracked it until Oz woke up 10 minutes later and he is now falling asleep feeding. :0( Ah well it was worth a try.

Random pictures I know.


Oz has been sleeping through quite a bit recently. He went from 9pm - 6:30am last night and is still sleeping now (9:33am) and the night before he went from 8pm to 4am so he pretty much cuts out the 2am feed already. The other 2 boys never did that at this stage. They may have slept through a couple of times but that was it. Just wish I went to bed a bit earlier to make the most of it.

Yesterday I tried giving him less drops of Colief. I don't know if it was just coincident or not but he didn't sleep very well and didn't poo either. We also stayed in all day too so that probably didn't help.

Need to go through the 3-6 month outfits now as the 0-3 trousers and sleeves are getting too short. Going to be a big boy! I'm quite sad about it really and finding it harder to decide on what to get rid of etc. If in doubt, it's going not staying!

Monday, 30 May 2011


Lost 1lb. 2lbs in total now. Rubbish!!!!

Tuesday, 24 May 2011


Well the first week of my diet didn't go too well. I ate fine after Monday but I only managed to lose 1lb! Not happy with that so trying to be extra careful with what I eat and making sure I stay active, not hard with 3 boys under 4!

Last Thursday I had my hair done. I had some dye put in it and some highlights and then she chopped away at it. It is still long and I can tie it up but I left it down for a whole week! I've never done that before.

In the last week a few things have happened. I've had my first proper chuckle out of Oscar and it is so cute! I will try and get it on video as it's just amazing when they first start laughing. He gets the hiccups quite quickly when he does.

I've also started to put him in a sleeping bag this week rather than the blankets as they are just a pain in the bum, plus you end up disturbing him every time you want to tuck him back in.

He has finally found his thumb properly now and I'm able to leave him in his chair and he settles himself to sleep. I also think it is helping him to go longer at night as last night he went from 9pm to 6:30am! Then he fed and went back to sleep until 8:30am. What a good boy. I know it won't last so I just enjoy it while it happens.

I've finally put him in 3-6 month grows and he is very quickly growing out of the 0-3 outfits. More clothes to sort out! I have bought him a few new outfits though.

We left Oscar with a baby sitter for the first time! I turned 32 on Thursday and wanted to go out for a meal. I was happy to take him and I assumed we were but Saskia said she didn't mind having him for us. It was so strange driving to the restaurant without him. Even stranger was eating, drinking and chatting without any distractions. I had a fab time. We had to rush a little bit at the end but I'm certainly not complaining. He was a good boy though and went from 10pm to 5:30am.

As for me, I'm feeling quite well. I feel on top of things at the moment and not too stressed out about anything, which is nice and refreshing. Oscar seems to have settled down recently and he isn't really any trouble apart from the evenings when trying to get him to bed but even that I'm not stressing about as in time it will sort itself out.

The debate of adding to the brood continues. I discuss it with friends but never with Rob as I don't want him to tell me a definite no. I'm still open to the idea and if he said yes to having another I don't know when I would want to do it. 1/2 of me says get it out the way, do the hard work early etc and then settle down, and the other half says give yourself a break for a bit and then decide. It's such a hard decision to make with only 5 months to decide really if I want a similar age gap as the first 3. Will approach the subject with Rob when Oscar is older.

As for Oscar, the name still doesn't sit right with me so I have started to call him Oz which I quite like and think suits him better.

Right off to get ready for a party and Oz is stirring for a feed anyway.

Friday, 20 May 2011


Time is going by so quickly it's scary! My little baba is just over 10 weeks old! He is growing really really well and I've had to wash the 3-6 month vests and grows today so that I can start using them as I don't like him in tight stuff. He is fitting 0-3 outfits at the moment.

Still having lots of trouble with trapped wind, tonight being particularly bad as it is 10pm and I'm still feeding and winding.

He is holding is head up quite well although a bit wobbly after a bit. He doesn't get tummy time enough but I can't wait to use the door bouncer.

Dribble!! Ellis was dribbly but Oscar is really bad. I'm going to order more bandanna bibs as they were ace. He has had a pretty nasty cold since Monday, really bunged up and coughing, not nice.

On the 15th I put him in a high chair for the first time. He sat there quite well for ages, it was so cute!

As for me, I've started to get spotty again and my hair is falling out. It isn't too bad at the moment and yesterday I had my hair highlighted and dyed and I'm really happy with it. I've been back on the pill a month now and I set my alarm to remind me to take it.

I started my diet Monday. I weighed in at 13st 4lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Monday is weighing day so I will post my weekly results. I'm not really restricting calories I'm just cutting down on quantity.

Mum and I went out last Saturday and bought a few items of clothing for me to keep me going until I lose a bit of weight.

Life is hard and hectic but fun and rewarding. I'm not struggling I don't think but some days are harder than others. It can be quite stressful and my mind never stops working as I try to remember the million and one things that I need to. I keep getting told to put my feet up and relax as much as I can, but as soon as you do that everything piles up and I make life that much harder for myself. No one else is going to do it and it's easier to keep on top of things then it is to start from scratch.

I love my babies so much!

Wednesday, 11 May 2011


What a horrid experience! We arrived at the surgery at about 2:50pm and the appointment was at 3:10pm. I found out that the jab appointment after the doctors appointment wasn't until 3:50pm and I asked if they could fit us in sooner as hanging around with 3 kids wasn't going to be easy. They said they would see what they could do after I had seen the doctor.

So we waited, and waited and waited and we weren't called for the doctor. Leo was bored, Ellis was bored, Oscar was stirring for his feed and I was feeling hot and frazzled. 30 minutes late we were called in with Leo screaming, Ellis needing the loo and fed up and Oscar already not happy. I was sweating!

Anyway, Oscar was checked over, weighed and measured. He was 12lbs 7oz and 61cm long which put him on the 91st centile line. She had to double check that I was holding his head in the right place as I don't think she thought he would be that long.

She said he was doing very well, then asked some questions that she was ticking off on a sheet and asked if I was bottle feeding, like she already knew the answer, but I said "no demand breast feeding" thank you very much. And yes I do want credit for it as it's bloody hard work! :o)

Ellis was touching stuff and playing under the table, which he hit his head on, Leo was screaming from the buggy still and Oscar was getting fed up although he did smile at the doctor.

We went back to the waiting room with me carrying Oscar, Leo in the buggy and Ellis running off out the front door thinking we were going.

I checked the clock and it was 3:50pm so knew we wouldn't be long and by the time I had sat down, the screen beeped to call us in.

We went in and I sat with Oscar on my lap and held his leg still. He was already crying before she stabbed him in the thigh so after the first one went in he screamed, turned red and held his breath. It was horrible as I knew there was another one to come. I turned him around and he had the exact same reaction. Poor baba.

I hurried us out the surgery and I had promised the boys I would take them to the park. Poor Oscar was crying and needing a feed but I had promised so we went to the park for a little while. Oscar went back to sleep in the buggy thankfully.

I got home gave the boys dinner, bathed them and then tried to put Oscar down. He wasn't having any of it and his poor leg was so sore. It was red and swollen and so tender. I ended up giving him some Calpol and after about 20 minutes of trying to soothe him, he went to sleep. I managed to see my friends a bit, who were over for a take away night, but I did have to go up a couple of times to see him.

Very hectic day. Lots more of them ahead I'm sure. I just need to stay chilled out about it or it will all get to me.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011


Not a good night last night. He woke at 1am, then 3am when I stuck my finger in his mouth and he eventually went back to sleep until 5am and then Leo was awake from 6:10am screaming Mummy as loud as he could. Then Oscar fed again at 6:30am and I got up just before 7 with the older boys. Oscar is still snoozing at the moment but will be awake before 9am.

Feeling rather achy and tired today. Hope I'm not coming down with something.

Will update later on how the doctors appointment went.

Monday, 9 May 2011


Only had 2 or 3 stinging moments today so didn't bother to call the health visitor. Oscar has his check up and jabs tomorrow so if I'm still getting it then I might mention it.

Not looking forward to holding him having his jabs done while Leo screams from the buggy that he wants to get down and Ellis is wandering around touching things he shouldn't!

Very proud of little baba tonight though as he settled himself to sleep again. I just put him up in his crib after a feed and good winding, I hear him kick about for a bit and then nothing. Such a good boy!

Sunday, 8 May 2011


Stabbing pain in my left boob! Ouch! It started this morning. It just does it every now and then like electric shock shooting pains down my boob into my nipple. Nipple looks fine though and there is no redness or tender area. Will be calling the health visitor tomorrow to see what they suggest. I will also check Oscar's mouth as it could be thrush. I've looked on the internet and it could be a couple of different things but will be looking to get it sorted sooner rather than later.

Had a few troubles trying to get Oscar to go to bed tonight. He had loads of trapped wind which I could tell from his blue lips and huge farts! Poor baby has so much pain and it isn't his fault but very frustrating. He is so lush though. Through the screams he tries so hard to give me a smile. Anyway after lots of burps, farts and being sick on me I got fed up and put him in his crib. He cried out in short bursts but never actually cried properly so I left him. After about 20 minutes he went quiet. I checked on him and he had got himself to sleep. Rather good for an 8 week old.

He went swimming for the very first time today. We had to wake him up to do it though and so I think he was a bit shocked. It was quiet noisy and a bit too splashy for him and he cried a little bit but mainly I think he liked it. Really need to take him more often and Leo as he loves it! Oscar got out after about 10 minutes but that was long enough for him.

He is really filling out now and I will be interested to see how heavy he is on Tuesday. He is having his check up and jabs, poor beebs. Not looking forward to that but has to be done.

I've had a few comments recently that they think Oscar looks like me! I can't see it but you never know one of my kids might end up looking a bit like me. Well Ellis does a little bit at the moment.

Right that's my evening over. Feeling very tired and just hoping Oscar skips the 2am feed but have a feeling he wont.

Thursday, 5 May 2011


Oscar is 8 weeks old already. I can't believe how the time is flying by. I don't want him to grow up yet! They really don't stay diddy for long. I'm really trying to make the most of it. Trying to enjoy all the feeding, cuddles and smiles.

The Colief is still working most of the time and nappies are still how they should be. He is definitely putting on weight and he should be weighed on Tuesday so we will know how much.

The last 2 nights he has dropped the 2am feed, going from about 9 ish to 4:30am! How fantastic is that! The night before last I put him up in his crib wide awake, heard him kick about for a while and then nothing. He went to sleep on his own. What a good boy! I don't expect it to last but I'm very happy that it has happened. I keep going to bed really late though which is a bit stupid. Its 23:06 now and I've just started a new entry.

I took loads of 8 week pictures which I will post but will just do one of each of the boys at the same age for now.

8 week pictures.




Blogging like mad!

Nothing much to report on Oscar. He is lush and fitting in very well. It's like he has always been here. The boys love him and are already very protective. It's lush and love I out big family.