Sunday, 30 October 2011


Baba is in his new room tonight for the first time. He is nearly 8 months old! The other 2 moved just before 6 months old. As you can tell, I've had trouble letting go.

I fed him in there and when I was winding him, he had a really good look around, which was cute. He cried a bit when I put him in his bed but he soon went to sleep.

We have the webcam set up in there so I can see him quite clearly.

It was strange being able to go into our room after bedtime, and I was still a little nervous when turning the light on! :o)

I'm sure I will get used to it and hopefully in the next month or so, he will sleep through and I will start to get some better sleep. Leo still wakes, and I'm pretty sure he will for a while but he and Ellis have certainly settled down in their room together, which is nice.

Bittersweet is how I would describe how I feel right now.

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