Wednesday, 14 July 2010


I don't really know where to start. So many things have been going on. I still haven't come on and I'm on day 37. Of course it is still very possible I will come on tomorrow or even the next day etc but yet again I have totally convinced myself that I am pregnant. I feel pregnant and I've had so many things happen that I believe are symptoms! I'm a crazy person I know and I should have done a test last night but I just couldn't.

The reason I couldn't do a test yesterday is because we decided we will be moving house in 6 weeks and I just didn't want to add to my plate yesterday. But I will have to do one tomorrow as I have the hen weekend.

I haven't had much discharge today which usually means that my period is coming but I will be surprised if it does. Stinging boobs, increased discharge for 2 days before today, crying all the time, niggly headache and I could not stop weeing yesterday and I didn't drink any more than I usually would. It's all coincidental I'm sure and I'll look like a right idiot tomorrow. I have to go and buy another test though as the 2 I have are out of date. I should have just done it yesterday.

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