Sunday, 18 September 2011


OMG! Oscar bit me. I had a flap of skin and some blood. Not good at all. I'm nervously feeding him now and take him off as soon as he starts messing around. Feeding on the sore side makes my stomach go over and my toes curl. It stings like hell but I have to keep feeding on that side or my boob will end up sore again. That cleared up on its own by the way, I just kept feeding him on that side and it cleared out.

Thursday, 15 September 2011


Today Oscar pulled himself forward for the first time! Well, the first time I've seen him do it anyway. I tried to get it on video but with Leo potty training it was a bit disturbed.

He is also teething really badly with at least one top tooth nearly popping through. Poor little baba has a bright red cheek, lots of dribble and a bit grumpy at times.

The weaning is going amazingly well. He scoffs it all down and looks for more once it's all gone. I so hope he just eats everything I give him. I've really enjoyed it so far, I just hope I can stick it out with making all the food up. I have bought a few packets for when we are out and about to make it easier for everyone.

I thought the weaning would improve his trapped wind but he still struggles with it during the day as well as the evening. He is still sick a bit and now it's going to stain everything, especially the carrot one! Ellis took some pictures of him eating pear and baby rice today.

That's it for now. Trying to a few entries here and there. Will do monthly ones soon, so I keep saying anyway.

Saturday, 3 September 2011


Oscar is in his new bed tonight. We finally got round to buying him a cot bed, a bargain at £100 and it's really nice too. He napped really well in it today so just hoping he sleeps well in it tonight. Last night he had me up 3 times! I was up once with Leo, Ellis woke me up but Rob sorted, and I was up sending messages to Rob downstairs telling him to come to bed!

I bought a tooth brush for Oscar today and put toothpaste around his gums this evening for the first time. He didn't mind it one bit.

This afternoon I did loads of cooking for Oscar. I did really well, and I actually enjoyed doing it. I really want to do more but I've ran out of trays. Will bag up the new stuff tomorrow and hopefully do some more, if Rob doesn't mind watching the boys for a bit.

Recently I haven't been blogging and I really didn't appreciate how much time it took to do. The sorting of photos and videos, converting, uploading, editing, typing etc etc. I still haven't had a great chance to get back into yet and my TV watching stuff all starts again soon. I might do a blog and reward myself with one episode before bed. It's nearly 9pm and I need to hang out the wet washing and put a new load in. I can't be arsed though. Too tired after a very disturbed night.

Friday, 2 September 2011


Been having a few problems over the last few days. Oscar now has 2 teeth which came through a week ago now. He isn't biting me though which is good news but there is plenty of time yet.

The problem is a sore boob. It did have a red patch and I had a slightly raised temperature a couple of days ago but I've been taking paracetamol, drinking lots of fluids and trying to get Oscar to feed on that side. He really doesn't like it though and as soon as I put him on the other side he is fine. Milk must taste bad or something.

He is getting so big and really mobile. He rolls around the place and turns on his tummy and lifts his bum up and pushes up with his arms. When you hold his hands he pulls himself up to sitting position. He isn't any good at sitting yet but plenty of time for that.

He is in 6-9 month clothes although the grows are getting a bit tight on his feet now. He is in size 4 nappies and is doing rather gooey yellowy green poos. Not the best but he is a rather fussy eater at the moment.

Will try and uploads some recent videos and pictures soon.