Sunday, 24 July 2011


The last few nights have gone really well. He has been napping well and feeding well recently and is in bed by 8:30pm at the latest, which is great. We had a bit of trouble tonight but I know why.

He is teething and it is obviously causing him troubles as he is now starting to use me as a teether! Not good at all, so I have to keep unlatching him and I got fed up this evening after he made my nipple bleed so he didn't get a full feed. He had a lot of trapped wind, so after getting that up, I topped him up until he started biting again, then put him to bed where he stayed this time.

I think I may have to express and feed him with a bottle if that continues, which is what I did for Leo and Ellis at one point or another. It's only the evening feed I'll do with the bottle as during the day I would just take him off and top him up later on.

Got to go and do more wrapping of presents before going to bed. Think it might be a bit hot and sticky tonight.

Thursday, 21 July 2011


Spoke too soon. Little bugger is crying!


Oscar has been doing quite well going to bed the last few nights. I'm very proud of him. He is getting big! I have bought some 6-9 month outfits now and although they are slightly big on him, they aren't huge, if that makes sense.

Should be getting an early night but it's nearly 10pm and I'm still sat in front of the PC. Been a very busy, hot, sweaty, sticky, stressful day for me. Hoping to chill a bit tomorrow but not sure how I can.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011


I started Infacol again and I think it may be helping Oscar. Last night he went to sleep at 5pm and stirred at 7pm. I fed him again and he just pretty much stayed asleep so I put him back up at 8pm and he didn't wake until 4am for his next feed. He was wide awake though, smiling at me in the dark. I eventually fed him back to sleep and he woke at 8:30am. How brilliant!

Then this evening, so far, he fed at 7 for a little while and was sleepy so I put him to bed and he went to sleep. It's just gone 8 and he hasn't woken up yet but I'm not holding my breath. I hope this is a new pattern emerging!

I bought him some new clothes today. I love buying the boys clothes. I really do need to have a good sort out though and get rid of some stuff. There is nothing wrong with it though so I can't just get rid of it. I will probably try and do some bundles and put them on netmums.

Still trying to sort out the bed situation but I have to check the mattress in the garage. If that is okay then I'll just buy a cheap cot and use that until we put the older boys into proper beds.

Decisions, decisions!

Saturday, 16 July 2011


Been feeling a bit sick and having loads of period like cramps. Not very nice but I'm expecting my period to return soon. I've also had some niggly headaches which hasn't been nice. Probably just the pill messing with my hormones.

Right then, I realise that I have sort of abandoned this blog for quite a while now, and lots has happened since I last blogged properly.

I've been on a semi diet for a few weeks now and I'm down to 12st 10lb from 13st 4lbs. Not bad but I know I could better.

Had Oscar weighed on Tuesday and he was 4 months old. He weighed 15lbs 7oz and is still on the 50% line which is great seeing as I seem to be struggling with supply this time. I used to wake up in the morning with at least one full boob but today for example I woke up know that I had hardly any in each! I did express 4fl oz yesterday and Oscar was a bit niggly in the afternoon so I don't know if that had any effect. I need to drink more water and try to get some early nights. Leo is waking up a lot in the night at the moment which is taking its toll a little. Oscar wakes once usually but it can be twice before 6:30am which seems to be the new time the older boys want to get up. It is definitely Leo leading the way at the moment rather than Ellis.

My hair is falling out big time! It is everywhere! I really don't like it but I haven't noticed if I'm thinning out or not. I'm sure my hairdresser will tell me on Thursday.

I've stopped calling Oscar, Oz, already. Don't know why really, I suppose because I like Oscar better. The name thing really isn't an issue for me any more but I do wish we had just decided before he arrived. Never mind.

Oscar is sort of settling into some sort of pattern which is quite good, and the last 2 days or so, I've been putting him up in his crib when I think he is a bit sleepy. Today he went down without a squeak, which is huge progress.

We are still having issues with trapped wind etc, especially in the evening. I spoke to the health visitor about it this week and she said that when I start weaning it should settle down, but if it doesn't I would need to speak to the doctor. She said it could take up to a year though! This evening hasn't actually been too bad, but that is because I spent a lot of time just winding him. I was puked on 4 times and he did lots of smellies before I decided to put him up. He did grizzle for quite a while but it was a pissy cry not an upset cry if that makes sense and he soon got his thumb and went off to sleep. Leo on the other hand wouldn't go to sleep!

I'm trying to keep an eye on times of feeds. I know I'm demand feeding but I am trying to get him to go at least 3 hours between feeds. It has worked for the last few days but it's just remember when he last fed, along with everything else I have to remember.

He is on roughly 4 naps a day if you count the one first thing in the morning. He wakes around 5 usually for a feed, then can sleep up to 9:00am. Then he will nap again around 10:30am ish and then again at 1ish and he does like to sneek another one in around 4/5. Obviously this all depends on feeds, what we're doing etc.

He is still in size 3 nappies and I think he will be for a little longer but he is now wearing 6-9 month grows and a few items of clothing. I went to get the vests for him but they are all long sleeved so will have to buy some new vests.

I'm still really struggling with getting rid of things. I am getting rid of a lot but I'm also keeping a lot too. I'm pretty sure Rob is quite against having another baby but I can't bring myself to get rid of it all just yet. Obviously if we did have more we could buy new, but why when I have it already! It's still early days so will just keep some stuff for now.

Oscar had 3 jabs on Tuesday. He has been a bit crabby and not feeding very well but I think he has teeth coming soon so that might be an issue too. He so dribbly! He is just as bad as Ellis was. He gets soaked everyday and has a slight rash from being damp all the time. I really should be changing his bibs more often. No more jabs now until he is 13 months old.

He is able to reach out and grab things now, and holds stuff and shakes it. He seems to have progressed quite quickly with that and he can now play a lot more. He loves his jungle mat thing.

He really is on the move too. He rolls to one side, then flops back in a different position and can do a 360 on his mat. I woke up in the night a few nights ago to find he had done a 90 degree turn away from me! Luckily we were in the middle of the bed so he didn't fall off but he could have done. I've started to feed him then putting him back in his crib. It is a bigger disturbance but safer.

At 16 weeks old, Oscar rolled over! It was so cute! I just put him on his tummy, he looked up at me and flopped over. I did clap but he didn't like that and started to cry. I know I have blogged about this already but here is the video of him doing a few more times over the next few days.

He is doing really well holding his head up, although tummy time doesn't always go as planned, and is getting stronger every day. He loves being pulled up onto his feet and sits, quite wobbly, on your lap.

This video done 1st June.

I've started using the Bumbo that we have and I recently bought a red one with play tray for £10 on netmums, bargain!

1st go in the Bumbo.

His hair is quite fair but golden too. I think he is going to be quite strawberry blonde but you can't really tell until it gets longer. It is really growing quite slow. Ellis has fast growing hair, Leo's is normal and Oscar's is slow.

He has lovely big blue eyes. They seem to twinkle at me and I love it. They sometimes shine big bright red discs which is a bit strange and I will get the doctor to check when I see her again.

He is filling out nicely and is quite a chubby chubster. He has puddy wrists and chunky thighs. I love it! Means my milk is doing what it should do.

His nails have just started to get a bit too long and I do try and bite them down when feeding but I'm finding it quite difficult for some reason. I don't want to attempt using scissors or clippers just yet. I'm never very good at doing that.

I'm pretty sure he did have chicken pox. He only had a few spots, 3 reasonably bad ones and a couple of others. He had it so mild though that the health visitor said he could get it again. Not good. It didn't seem to bother him which was great.

He is generally a really happy, easy going baby and you can tell straight away when he is having a bad day. If he didn't have trapped wind and stuff, he would be so easy! Love him so much. I give him tons of kisses and cuddles and constantly smell him.

I'm currently have a dilemma over some of the equipment we have. Very long story short, I'm considering changing car seats, buggies and beds. The beds issue wouldn't be an issue if our cot hadn't got damaged in the garage. I might just buy a new cot from Ikea and be done with it as we have a mattress ready to go. I'd better check the mattress first actually as if that is ruined I may as well just buy all new. Leo is in the cot bed at the moment and Ellis is in a double bed, which I love, so I can't decide what to do with them but Oscar is growing out of the crib pretty quickly because he is so long! I've put him in a 6-12 month sleeping bag tonight.

Speaking of buggies, recently I put Oscar in the seat at the back of the Phil and Teds buggy. It worked quite well I thought.

We went away recently and we got to do loads of swimming. Oscar loved it!

I'm just going back through the photos and videos so that I can post them on here. None of it is in date order but it's recorded anyway.

Found a video of Oscar and I having a chat.

Another 1st recorded, just because.

Last weekend we put Oscar in the door bouncer for the first time. I would have done it before but just never found the right time. It is quite a long video (3 minutes) and Ellis does a bit at the beginning so you might want to skip that.

I think I've covered enough. Will try and do shorter and more often. As if!

Loving being a Mummy to my 3 gorgeous boys.

Also just wanted to congratulate my friend Erin, who is expecting again! YAY! You can read her story here.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011


Think Oscar may have chicken pox. Not sure yet, just keeping an eye on him.