He was in my Mum's living room on the mat for a while on his own. I went in to see him and he was sucking his thumb really sleepy. I should have just left him but he gave me one of his huge full mouth grins and I had to stop for a chat. I knew he hadn't fed for a while so I rolled him over onto his front and put him in front of the little mirror on his mat. He looked at it for a while and then ever so slowly lifted his head up more and rolled over right towards me. I did a quiet cheer and clap but he didn't like it and I'm very sure he didn't realise what he had just done. He was 16 weeks old today. 3 3 1/4 months.
Proud of my baba but don't want him to grow up too fast! Will try and get it on video although pretty sure he won't do it again for a while. I may be wrong though.
Leo has had chicken pox since last Wednesday but dealt with it really well. I'm just waiting for Oscar to get it. He had a nasty cold the same time as Leo but hasn't come out in any spots.
This week, I've started to wean him off Colief. He is on 3 drops per feed now. He feeds quite regularly, 5am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 5/6pm then is pretty much fed from 7:30 - 9:30pm! Something like that anyway. He obviously just likes little and often. He is very distracted at feeding times now and often stops to look around and I'm pretty sure he doesn't complete his feed.
He is still windy and has lots of reflux but it isn't as bad as it was.
He is a really smiley boy and he gets all shy and bites on his hands to hide his face. So sweet.
You can tell that he just really wants to be a good baby but the wind and reflux just don't let him sometimes. He is so straightforward at the moment, until the evening when I just don't know what the answer is just yet. I'm going to give him more time and speak to the healthvisitor in a couple of weeks.
Caroline and Andy had their baby boy today! I'm so happy for them and he is so cute! They named him Archie and he was 8lb 1oz.
I knew something was up when a message I sent yesterday didn't get answered so when I spoke to her this morning she said her waters had broken and she was having contractions. I don't know what happened but she ended up having a c-section again. I'm sure I will find out all the details in time. Can't wait to meet him, just hope I don't get too broody!